


  • artype
    artype Posts: 11 Member
    I don't know if this will help anyone else, but I've found that eating more fiber during the day eases my cravings at night. I aim for 40 grams of fiber each day. I try to keep 150 calories for the evening, and if I feel REALLY hungry, I'll have a bowl of high-fiber cereal (like Fiber One) or high protein yogurt. This stops my cravings. (Admittedly, when I'm not doing MFP, I reach for bad foods at night which only make me hungrier.)
  • artype
    artype Posts: 11 Member
    Kitten349, it sounds like you are doing some very positive things for yourself! If you've been carefully registering everything on MFP but haven't lost weight, you should look through the MFP message boards for suggestions. For example, you may not be eating enough calories (1200 is very low), so your body could be holding onto the weight. Don't give up, though, because you're going in the right direction!
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    Day 9 completed successfully! One more day till double digits!
    Keep going strong everyone!
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member

    Goal: Establish what bad habit you are trying to break and stick to it for 3-weeks/21 days (the amount of time studies have shown it takes to break a bad habit)

    Check-in/Accountability: Check in everyday onto the "Check-in" thread and report whether you were successful THE NIGHT BEFORE and what consecutive night# you have been successful. We're all trying to hit #21!

    While we're shooting for 21 consecutive days, this forum can of course, take much longer as things will happen (stresses and whatnot) and we have to start over whenever we give in to our habit. Most of us here are eating an enormous amount after dinner when clearly, we are not hungry but are bored-eating, emotionally-eating, and most definitely, habitually-eating.
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome to everyone new to our thread!

    I made it another night (Night 4)!!!! Feeling like I might be steadily back on this wagon!

    @Kitten: It is baffling quite honestly. But artype makes a good point about your body possibly thinking it's in starvation mode and fighting like he** to maintain weight. Or are you down to trying to lose the last 5 -10 lbs? That's where I'm at and my scale hardly budges. I was thinking/hoping that it would if I could kick the nighttime-mindless-eating habit.

    Here are the latest check-ins:

    22 days: kitten349
    8 days: rlstepp29
    4 days: Bo
    2 days: jhloves
    2 days: Artype
    1 day?: debralcm
    Redo: jafray4
  • debralcm
    debralcm Posts: 64 Member
    I had a good night. I only ate what was on my plan and had no blood sugar issues. Yay!
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    @Debby: Welcome! You are absolutely the decider of whether you were successful or not. This group was formed bc the general consensus is that many of us eat either way too much in the night or eat when it's too late and out of habit and not bc we're hungry. To check-in, just come on this thread, and let the group know whether you were successful THE PREVIOUS NIGHT. Also, state what day# you have been successful - it helps me keep an accurate count. Hope this helps! :wink:
    HI Adobo,

    Thanks for moderating the group. Can you remind me how the check ins go? Do I reply a general message or reply directly to you?

    I still want to be able to have a snack after dinner (insulin) but want to stay within my calorie goals. Can that be considered a success?

  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Last night was good - even though I felt like eating and thought about food most of the night. I must have to be counting days to be successful. Last night was Day 2.
  • artype
    artype Posts: 11 Member
    Last night was my Day 2. It went well.
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    Artype, thank you for your kind words and the fibre suggestion is one I'm certainly going to try.

    MFP has suggested the 1200 because of the amount I need to lose and my work (although long and irregular hours) can be quite sedentary.
    I had a Drs check up who has sent me for blood tests for my thyroid so it will be interesting to see if that is part of the problem. I say part because my previous poor habits have contributed more.

    I'm not going to give up, life is too long to be carrying this extra weight for years. It will impact my wellbeing if I don't tackle it now.

    I ate dinner late last night as I had to take my partner to an appointment but it was a healthy steamed fish salad so I am ok with that.

    So 23 days done and still concentrating on keeping on track.
  • artype
    artype Posts: 11 Member
    Last night was Day 3. It was a bit harder than the first two days, so I went to bed early :happy: I didn't leave enough calories in my day to have high-fiber cereal at the end of the day, so that's what I attribute to the challenge in the evening. I think it's important to find out what I'm doing that makes me feel more hungry during some nights than others.

    KItten349, I have had a thyroid issue for many years. I think it does make losing weight more of a challenge, but I've been able to push through it (although sometimes the stress of life gets in my way and I stop focusing on my health), and am sure you could, too. I was wondering, do you eat your exercise calories?
  • debralcm
    debralcm Posts: 64 Member
    Another binge-free night for me. That puts me at 3. I swapped my smoothie for two beers but still stayed within my goals. I do feel a little queasy this moring, though! Tonight will be a challenge. My daughters are coming home and we tend to enjoy TV together (trigger, right?).

    Talk with you soon.
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    Woot!!! Woot!!! 10 days done!
    Finally in double digits. Last night (7-9-14) was a little tough, but I made it through the night! Keep moving one day (or night) at a time!:bigsmile:
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Looking good everyone!!!

    Latest Check-ins:

    23 days: kitten349
    10 days: rlstepp29
    5 days: Bo
    2 days: jhloves
    3 days: Artype
    3 day: debralcm
    Redo: jafray4
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    I got through Day 3 last night. Tonight was touchy, but I'm going to bed now - a great eating stopper.
  • artype
    artype Posts: 11 Member
    Abobo08, thanks again for putting this together--it's very motivating! I completed Day 4 successfully yesterday.
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    Day 11 completed successfully!!!!

    I have family plans this evening and my goal is to stay strong and not give in to late night snacking!
    Have a great day everyone!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    I learn how much I MFP makes a difference the hard way. We don't have very good cell service at our lake cabin and a construction company cut some lines... no phone, internet or cable. It was nice in some ways but it also meant no MFP!!! and my over eating and snacking. So back to starting over after last night but I'm positive I can make it through the weekend and that will get me back on track. I knew this vacation was going to be ruff but wow!!! I really need to work on not depending on being in my home environment to make it work.

    so day 0 again :grumble:
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    I had an extremely late dinner and it was a social dinner so I couldn't just say, "I'm going to bed!" Needless to say, I didn't snack post and didn't overeat so I guess I made it another night!


    Latest Check-ins:

    23 days: kitten349
    11 days: rlstepp29
    6 days: Bo
    4 days: Artype
    3 days: jhloves
    3 day: debralcm
    Redo: jafray4
  • shred85
    shred85 Posts: 6
    Hi, I am a new joiner. I eat VERY healthfully during the day - like everyone here, my issue is after-dinner eating. I do it out of boredom and go for chips, crackers and cheese, mainly salty things, sometimes its just a portion, other times its almost a binge, yikes. I know it is this night eating that is keeping me about 7-10 pounds over my goal weight and I hate myself every morning.

    Last night I did NOT night eat, and I hope to be able to repeat again tonight!