


  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Day 8 was good! I still get the munchies at night but am having more success at controlling night time eating than ever before.
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, all-- I think I need to go around again! Day 1 was last night. --Gregory
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    day 2 done!!! it helped that I was in bed by 9 pm an exhausting day, and its going to stay that way this week.
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind and supporting words - truly!!!

    @ Jafray: I think I need to do the same. Making this a smaller, weekly goal! On that note...

    Hooray for RLSTEPP 2 WEEKS!!! and ARTYPE for 1 WEEK!!!

    @Kitten: Please send me some of that willpower!!!

    Welcome back GXMILLER! My bets so far is keeping me from mindless snacking! Looks like everyone is doing well! :wink:

    @RLSTEPP: fantastic bday gift to self! Looks like the momentum you've created is gonna get you there!

    Latest Check-ins:

    27 days: kitten349
    15 days: rlstepp29
    8 days: jhloves
    7 days: Artype
    4 days: debralcm
    3 days: shred85
    3 days: Bo
    2 days: jafray4
    1 day: gxmiller31
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    Made it through day 16 !!! ????
    I'm so excited to have made it this far. I must confess, it makes me a little nervous as I get closer to the 21 day mark.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Day 9 went well! We had dessert tonight, which means lots of calories. But I'm too full to snack, so there is a silver lining in this cloud.
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    I think I am at 31 days now but a week in a hotel has taken its toll. Late night meals ( not snacking) has left me feeling stodgy and bloated. I need a curfew of 7.30 for a meal as it just lies heavy and makes me feel less active. So back to 'normal' today. I managed a run this morning but less miles than I wanted and it felt hard! Hope everyone is ok and feeling well. :smile:
  • shred85
    shred85 Posts: 6
    Had a few nights I could not check in but last night was Day 7 for me, a week!

    Going the full week I can see that almost all the time the urge to night snack was pure habit. I was not even hungry but thinking of snacking only when I was watching tv or passing through our kitchen. Only one of the nights was I legitimately hungry, and even then I did not snack because I didn't want to fall off track.

    I have decided not to weigh myself today as planned because all too often I get discouraged by the scale. Since I'm doing good with the night eating, I am just going to continue and maybe weigh in next week.
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Last night, July 16, was day 2 for me. Thanks! --Gregory
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Last night was day 10. Nice to have you back, Gregory.
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you, JH- this certainly has helped me. Last night was number 3 on my way to 21. The kids got some ice cream out around 8 pm and I almost had a spoonful. But then I remembered that I am not doing the mindless snacking thing. Dodged a bullet. And you all helped!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    yesterday was crazy so I didn't get a chance to log in to a computer. Really wish the phone app let you post. So last night was day#4

    @gxmiller - I too took the kids for icecream last night. I really wanted to get something, I was so proud for not giving in. I just keep focusing on making it 1 week.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    I'm in awe of those who were exposed to ice cream but didn't have any. I don't think that's ever happened to me. I just can't keep calorie laden sweets around the house. And my kids are grown and gone, so no temptation there.

    Last night was day 11 for me. I felt like having a snack tonight but have resisted so far.
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Tonight July 18th, is day 4 for me. I'll be in bed shortly so l will declare victory now. We are going on vacation for the next week. I expect to keep up with the no snacking after dinner challenge. But you never know what to expect.

    @jafray4- that's pretty strategic of you- focusing on the next week. I just try to focus on today, or even just on the next 5 minutes! Good for you for completing 4 days in a row!
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    Days 17, 18, & 19 Successfully Completed!!!!

    Day 18 was the toughest, but I survived! Can't believe I have just 2 more days to go.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Day 12 was good. Where is BoBo?
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Day 5, July 19th- somewhere in Montana. Busy but no snacking after dinner!
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Our postings are shrinking. Glad you're doing so well while vacationing, Gregory. Eating out is my stumbling block when we go out of town.

    The 13th day was unlucky for me. I snacked most of last night and felt awful this morning. So far I've made it 21 days, and now 12. I hope I'll make it to 21 days and longer the next round.
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    July 20th, day 6 successful. Went over my target, but no late night snacking. I will just focus on the night snacks and not worry about the daily totals at this point.

    JH, if you can make 21 days or 12 days you can do anything. Just worry about one day at a time, just tonight- and I know you CAN! I have watched you day after day. You definitely can.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Sorry I left my ipad in a bag in the car this weekend and couldn't find it. So I made it through the weekend without snacking. Last night we had bday cake with supper so I didn't have to count it as a snack but I probably would have been better snacking. It put me way over. Not sure how this week is going to go. I really don't want to start over again, but the fair is in town and we are taking our oldest one night. Then my hubby and I are going to spend a night walking around and going to a concert for the night. I love Fair food and lets be real even if your eating a meal there it is all just snacking lol.

    Glad everyone is doing good. The group is dwindling down, but I have found it very helpful, So thank you everyone!!!! Where is BoBo haven't seen post for a while. I did see something on my news feed yesterday or today.