

  • Spokane - nice city. I used to live in Grand Forks BC so our family used to go there off and on to shop. We do get rain here too but not like Vancouver does. Today it's gorgeous. I walk 3K to & from work daily no matter what the weather but I'm a little less dedicated when it comes to exercise when it is raining. That must…
  • I'm in! CW: 142 GW: 132 How about an ultimate fitness goal like running or walking a half marathon! (Everyone can walk!)
  • Thanks Lael! The great thing about being on Vancouver Island is that the climate is moderate all year round so there is NO excuse not to exercise! I have a goal to walk the Seattle Rock'n'Roll Half Marathon on June 25 th so I need to start training for that and hopefully by then I will have shed that pesky 10lbs I want to…