kajaknowers Member


  • 5.....i will only ever feel hot about myself if i reach goal weight x
  • When I started my weightloss I did no exercise and about 2 months in I started fitting an evening run....simply put on your trainers and get out there for 30mins, it makes a world of difference and you can do it whilst dinners in the oven. Its about making small changes to your otherwise hectic lifestyle. Good luck x
  • wow girl. U just look so much healthier and ur getting so skinny :) x
  • The reality is that there is no particular aid.....I have never struggled with weekends as I simply told myself there no different to other days and it also helped that I quit alcohol.....I also never have cheat days as I find myself saying I am not worthy of it until I get to GW as everyday of my life was a cheat…
  • i'm 5 ft 7. Thanks guys for the support. It means a lot x
  • I like this....I find myself constantly getting comments like wow your the best I have ever seen you but I put a negative spin on it by saying....well sure I look better but thats because I was the size of a fat wrestler.....I will try and start to accept compliments but I never have been.....it never seems genuine as I…
  • yesterday evening, I was feeling so low I actually cried. I am not one to cry too much either. All I could think was why am I still fat and ugly. Problem was I knew I was being stupid but my self worth has completely diminished.....yeh sure I got the guy but I am still thinking I was the end of an evil joke.....pull the…
  • i often wonder about this. When i started here my bmi was 37 so i was clearly obese. I'm now 27 and have 14 lbs to go until i'm classed as normal. However i don't want to be on the upper limit so my aim is to get a bmi of 22 and then hopefully i will feel like it suits me x
    in BMI? Comment by kajaknowers July 2010
  • your response has been so positive so i thank u all but out of curiousity has anyone out there lost the weight but still not found there confidence align with there waist belt size x
  • do you know what....no matter how much ppl tell me I lose weight.....I can't get over the scale.....I'm still overweight.....I wouldn't see why anyone would think I am "hot".....the truth is I will probably need councilling.....all my past relationships have been with men that have made me feel like ****.....always putting…
  • i cannot stress enough the use of a hr monitor. I love it. It means i know exactly how much i am burning because i too haven't got money for a gym membership so i jog in my local area. I understand it is hot in your area so u can do fitness videos indoors and know exactly how much ur burning. I got my monitor on ebay super…
  • I haven't had sex in months so sure as hell aint lol
  • i feel like this constantly. Yesterday was particularly bad. I looked in the mirror and all i could see was a flabby neck, horrible stomach andthunder thighs. Then i felt guilty as i ate more than i usually do even though i did 3 hours exercise so i was allowed to eat more. I just felt like i wasn't getting any results as…
  • congratulations. U deserve to be commended on your achievements as it only spurs u onwards x
  • wow, you look totally hot :) Congrats on the hard work x
  • my bathroom scales only read kg so they are the form I like to know how am doing even though I adjusted my ticker to show kbs to keep up with americans x
  • it definitely takes balls to blog this so for that reason alone you should be proud.....I think when you have constantly had a bad relationship with food, it makes it very difficult to deal with it and unfortunately I think it will never go away....when I was younger I used to lie to myself all the time by not really…
  • well like you know about what we were saying yesterday....I feel the exact same size, its just clothes that feels different, even when I look at photos I still don't see a huge change....I agree that the obese mentality sticks with you.....maybe only be accepting when I am normal.....although I am waiting to see what…
  • well done....enjoy your success and bring on the next goal x
  • I'm really bad....I usually have my dinner at 4 and therefore don't eat anything until the next morning....I got it into my head that if I ate to late the food would sit in my stomach so I opted to eat everything in the beginning of the day so I had the whole time to burn it off. x
  • wow, you've done an awesome job....looking good
  • Thanks....its so weird to here anyone want any part of my body lol
  • I'm still classed as obese....in 4.4 lbs I will be officially overweight so I want to get to a healthy weight category
  • thanks....I'm only 5ft 7 but I carry most of my weight on my boobs and hips these days x
  • yes I have to agree with the others.....you've done so well so far and to do it yourself without surgery is the best way to go....the long-term costs of gastric surgery are severe and I genuinely think you have the capability to go all the way x
  • My last two periods have come a week early so I am only on about a 21 day cycle....I assume it must be my body adapting....altho I am a little concerned that you've lost yours....how many calories were you eating and have u seen a doctor? x
  • I get migraine maybe once a fortnight but I would hate to feel how you are when you get them fo such long periods of time....I personally find that if I feel the pain in my head I take 2 -3 strong ibuprofen-esque tablets drink a glass of water and lie down immediately for 30 to 60 minutes and that helps but only if I feel…
  • I'm sorry I may have sounded a bit negative in my last post.....I just looked at your profile and I see you've done an AMAZING job so far.....you literally look like a completely different person so keep it up but eating plenty lol x
  • I experienced dizzy spells and fainted on easter day eating 1200 cals but that is rare.....its worrying you are eating that low, your body will be dealing with it like an anorexic which could potentially damage your heart and you will eventually stop losing weight.....I'm studying for my final year exams but I just have…