

  • I really enjoy the Saving Dinner cookbooks by Leanne Ely, She includes the plans, shopping lists and they taste great. hope the helps ;)
  • Hey...I know how it feels. If you want a really motivating dvd try the Turbo Jam by Chalene Johnson...she makes it fun. I have'nt tried her other ones but I am sure they are great . Also the Slim in Six dvd by Debbie Siebers is good too. I found Jillian to be too drill major!! Good Luck, you can do it! (Test them out by…
  • Count me in too... please? SW-163 CW-152.5 GW-135 (I think, can't remember) Arggghh Mondays! Ha. So does that mean weigh in starts tomorrow? Thanks so much!
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