

  • No creamers here. Silk almond milk is fantastic try that. As for diet pop you don't have to give it up it does not screw up your diet. People say it will indirectly make you crave sweets but im buying that at all.
  • People are way to hard on themselves. One bad meal is nothing. In fact i use a cheat meal once a week to keep my sanity. Your human you will make mistakes just move and and get right back on that horse.
  • You look great imo. Keep up the good work
  • One of the biggest change's you will get with weight loss is your look on life. Those depressed days will be a thing of the past. The hardest part is starting something new and stick with it. Best of luck with your weight loss journey.
  • Your a beginner stick to the basics for cardio like walking jogging and cycling. Get your heart rate in the fat burning zone that's what matters. I don't like HIIt for beginners as there is a greater chance for injury and a injured person is not working out at all. For lifting weights do a full body routine 3x a week like…
  • Gaining strength while losing fat is tough but can be done. You have to eat roughly -20% of your daily TDEE(total daily energy expenditure) and have the same amount of grams of protein as your body weight. As for a great routine for a beginner do a full body 3x a week. Here is an example of one. A Simple beginner's Routine…
  • I lifted weight after i got to my goal weight. If i was to do it all over again i wish i had lifted earlier. Fat loss is is fast gaining muscle is really slow. You can lose 10+ lbs a month or more of fat but for muscle its like 8-10lbs a year you can gain naturally.
  • I can't believe the energy i have. I used to spend my weekends doing nothing but laying around the house thinking this was normal to be tired from work but it had nothing to do with that. Being so out of shape really sucked the fun out of me but not any more.
  • There is a popular product called orange triad that is a multi vitamin that also helps with joint pain that weight trainers use with joint problems. GNC or any good quality sports nutrition store will have it.
  • Because its only 3 times a week i recommend doing cardio on your days off. Also your nutrition is super important with these programs. I would look into a good quality pre/post workout drink for these videos.
  • T25 works. You have to follow the nutrition plan as well to get maximum results. By the end of beta i could no longer wear any of my shorts i used to own as they would keep falling down which is a good thing. I have to admit i don't miss it though and glad i have moved on from beachbody products. You really don't need to…
  • It will get better trust me on this. My first month i was a mess. Ill never forget the first night i did T25. What a huge wake up call that was on how out of shape i was in. I must have paused that video 15 times in 25 minutes to catch my breath how sad is that. I was sore,always hungry,i felt bloated and just felt off for…
  • My advice go to to and do some research. Every single question you ever had about nutrition,cardio,supplements and weight training is there. I'm sure your personal trainer know his stuff but some other opinions and ideas is always nice. Also is what you are doing enjoyable to you? If its not and feels like…
  • Too many people make this weight loss a sprint not a journey to good long term health. Everyone is different listen to your body. To give you an example my wife will lose up to 5lbs a week eating healthy with low carbs in her diet and walks every day. She is over 50lbs lost and still losing as we speak. Myself i only lose…
  • My advice go check out the powertec machines they are awesome. They are 1000x better then any of that fitness equipment you find in the big box stores. You can beat the heck out there equipment and can take it. The reason i love these machines over free weights is the safety factor. Then go to craigslist and find a used…
  • No matter how you spin it thats just cardio training. If you want bigger muscles you have to understand how muscle development works. You dont gain muscle in the gym your actually tearing them down. Its outside the gym while the muscle's recover and grow is how they get bigger. . If you love these video's and it motivates…
  • My wife has lost over 50 lbs by just eating healthy and walking. She looks amazing. I personally prefer riding my bike as my daily cardio fix .
  • If i had to choose only one thing to take it would be fish oil over anything else even the multi vit. Here is a good read on this topic.
  • Shawn T puts a modified person in T-25 if you cant keep up. There will be times you wont even be able to do that and end up pausing the video to catch your breath and drink water. It gets easier over time but the first night will be a real wake up call of how bad of shape your in. The nutrition is super important if you…
  • The very minimum if you listen to people like Dr. Oz( is a multi vit,an extra vitamin D as many multi vits are low in D and fish oil. Myself i'm into weight lifting so i take it a little farther and have a pre and post workout shake. For the average Joe that is more then enough.
  • I honestly want to be in the best shape of my life. I love the energy i have now compared to be before its awesome. I was not interested in another fad diet i wanted something concrete i can do for the rest of my life. I want to motivate others after seeing a middle aged adult in his 40's with 3 kids who works 10 hour days.
  • Go here . Lots of great information to get you started. Find something you find enjoyable and you look forward to. If its like a chore it will be hard to keep it up long term.
  • Take pictures and give yourself goals. When you do that and see your progress it really motivates you to keep pushing forward. Goal setting is important imo.
  • Beachbody programs are ok but weight training with some cardio of your liking really is the direction you want to consider once you get bored of those fitness video's. P90X3 is the most overpriced fitness video i have ever seen. Tony has put together a video that requires you to buy equipment on top of the video's plus…
  • I started with T-25 it served its purpose but i moved on to others things more enjoyable for me. I now do things i love to do like weight training with my powertec multi gym and riding my bike for my cardio fix. My advice go to sites like and find a program that you find enjoyable that cost you nothing.…