
  • I'm with you. I need a pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy. Chicken fried steak.
    in Cravings! Comment by JPK7 May 2011
  • My suggestion is to seek out an Endocrinologist. With one blood test they will be able to determine if you have a Thyroid problem and ultimatley best direct you. In most instances, people suffer from hypo, which is a slow metabolism. The solution is a daily dosage of synthroid of some other med to stimulate your…
    in Hi! Comment by JPK7 April 2011
  • That looks very good!!!!
  • I think you will enjoy this site, both for motivation and caloric insite into what you eat. Be patient and start some mid-term planning so you make responsible choices.
  • Take your time, plan your meals a few days in advance. This way you'll have the right foods at hand and less likely to not stay on track.