

  • I sent you a friend request!
  • I have over 50lbs to lose and would also love some additional support! I added you :)
  • Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! Lots of wonderful advice on here that I'm just going to have to try and see what works best for me. I think half of my eating is emotional eating and half of it is eating because i'm bored. I love the idea of having some hot tea and coming on here to read all of the success stories.…
  • I agree that fasting works.....for some people. I think a lot of dieting depends on one's body. I know I do quite well when I skip breakfast and am also on a low carb diet. There are many days I am that I am able to do Intermittent fasting and I love it because I usually plan to fast on days that I am very busy so I don't…
  • I am currently on a low-carb, high-fat, moderate protein diet....and I LOVE IT. I feel better physically and I've lost 11lbs so far. I have tried many many diets and this is my favorite (I can have bacon!!!). Granted it is not for everyone and it took me quite a while to get over the fact that fat is ok. If you want to do…
  • Hey Wendy! Thanks for the kind words and advice! I'm really hoping I can stick with the keto diet but it's definitely a good idea to have a back up plan if I need a break! I will check out the cookbook for sure. Congrats on losing 4lbs in just 5 days that is amazing!! So far I haven't started exercising because I wanted to…
  • Thank you so much!! I sent you a friend request :) We can never have too much support when trying to change our way of life! Is taking a 3 week break part of the hcg diet? Congrats on your weight loss so far as well 46lbs is truly impressive!!