MeenaSimmons Member


  • I'm up for this--getting back on the wagon after gaining 15-20lbs during my first semester of grad school. Spring break is the first week of March, I want my body back by then.
  • The opening set to The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony :-)
  • I forgot to ask, are you our team captain? If so, I have 4.27 miles for today. If not, do you know who is? Lol....
  • I'm in the same boat....
  • I think I'm in mine now. Sporadically, but too often eating foods and quantities I didn't go near even BEFORE I decided to get healthy again... And not having the motivation to work out or train, something that usually makes me very happy... But I believe my current state is partly attributed to a slight case of…
  • Hello Team 11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I was MIA earlier this week. I scanned the thread and didn't see a name change or any logged miles for us yet, but I could have missed it. Anywho, let's get this crackalackin'! Personal miles: (6.7) + Previous Team miles:( 0) = New Team Mile Total: 6.7 And if I have the…
  • I made a mileage ticker last night for the June 100 mile challenge, then noticed that MFP states only their tickers are allowed on the site. I don't understand why MFP has this regulation, but I always see others with them....and I want one too!
  • I also started with interval training ealier this year, but I went by time. When I first got back to running, I had the same issue: one day off felt like a month. But I discovered (for myself) that meant my body was getting ready for improvement. Within a week or two of that day off and doing worse than I had before my day…
  • I would also like to join! I've been feeling a little lonely lately in my weight loss/get fit endeavor, so a team challenge would probably be perfect for me.
  • I haven't participated in any challenges yet, but this 100 mile thing sounds perfect. I'm training for/with running anyway, so, why not! I'm quite curious to see just how many miles I log in a month...
  • I'd have to agree with Olo, remember you didn't put the weight on overnight, so one off day will not derail your goals, unless you let it.
  • Thanks ladies! I kind of laid off a couple days and just focused on all the other things I have going on. Finally, after Zumba class today, I'm feeling a little more on-track.