

  • oh gosh, i didnt know that! ok thank you!
  • What about the Polmagranate Paradise? 260 cals .5 fat 3.5 servings of fruit lots of vitamins 56g much sugar is too much sugar?
  • Jamba promotes itself as being 'all natural' and being 'healthy'. I am wondering if it actually is all that healthy for you?
  • Thanks to all!
  • Ok...well does anyone know of a better way to calculate it?
  • Is there a better tool for calculating BMI other than the one given on this site? I have lost inches but not really weight. I have started training for a marathon so I am thinking that my muscle mass is going up but the BMI does not calculate that...any suggestions?
  • I did 15.5 miles outside today in 129 unreal!!
  • Thanks a ton!!
  • Thank you so much! That was a real big help. I have read a little bit on correct form but do you have any specific info on that?
  • How do I know what a good pace is when I am running? I am training for a marathon (which I have never done before) and never know how hard I am supposed to run each day. For example, this week my training schedule is 14 sunday, 6 tue, 8 wed, 6 th, 4 sat....I am trying to really get myself into shape so I can run this thing…
  • I do sometimes if I am on there for a really long time and really get into that repetitive motion of running. Then when I get off the tredmill my body gets all whoozy because I dont have a moving floor under me anymore! I would say make sure to eat a snack before you run, drink lots of water, and maybe stretch after your…
  • I did 6 today...anyone have any tips for speeding up my long distance time??
  • Thats great! Good for you!! Before you know it, you will be running 2 miles like nobody's business :wink:
  • Thank you so much everyone. I have really been feeling like they really need to figure all this out on their own. My stepdad is 60 and my mom is 55. I would think they would have gotten this on their own!! I feel like there really is only so much I can do, but I did confront my mom on it a bit today and will keep gradually…
  • Thank you. Those are some great ideas. Usually when we do family things it is going out to eat or holiday dinners....stuff that revolves around food and them not eating well! We are crunching for money, just like everyone else out there, so the money issue is a great one too. I really appreciate your response :smile:
  • Both my mom and stepdad are very overweight. My stepdad weighs 300 pounds and my mom is around 200. They tried doing nutrisystem last year and they did ok on that. They lost weight but stopped the diet in Jan and have now gained a lot of it back. Last night they ordered a large Papa murpheys pizza, and ate 3/4 of it and…
  • Yeah I think you are better off going with your BMR. I would only be eating 791 cals if I only ate 7 cals per pound...that CANNOT be healthy.
  • Thank you everyone! I will try to eat more fruit/protein snacks throughout the not always real good about that. I do take a multivitamin so I am good to go there...where do I buy EmergenC Packets?
  • I USUALLY get 8 hours of sleep. I also excercise every morning to wake me up. I really have become a caffeine hollic but it is not helping much. I avoid energy drinks because I dont really want to resort to that, but I drink a lot of coffee.
  • So I live a very on-the-go type of life and seem to really be lacking energy lately. Does anyone have any recommendations for how to stay energized throughout the day?
  • Do you think that it depends on what your weight is? If I ate 7 calories for every one pound I would be eating way less than 1200.
  • Just set goals and you will get there in no time :-)
  • So, I am on week three of training for a marathon. I just ran 10 miles in 76 miles. I have NEVER run that fast before and am sooo excited about it! I guess all the hard work is paying off. Just wanted to share my excitement with everyone!!! :smile:
  • How accurate is the exercise calculator? When I put in how long I run and the speed, it seem like I am burning a lot more than what I think I really am. Same with a stair tredmill.
  • I give myself a thumbs down because I feel like pb is so high in fat and that I shouldnt be eating it. I am a vegetarian, so I dont really eat a whole lot of food that is high in fat or protien, so I was told that pb is a good way to go...I still feel like it is on that "bad foods" list though.
  • So, can someone help with with drawing the line between "good food" and "bad food". I had reduced fat peanut butter today and although I know it is high in protein, I still give myself a thumbs down for the day for eating it. How do I know what is "good" and "bad"?
  • Yes! I work out everyday. I have lost inchs and am FINALLY losing weight as well, but I lost the inches before the weight.
  • Thanks a lot for all the responses! I am pretty open to whatever when it comes to music so I will def check out all the suggestions!
    in Music? Comment by blum0133 March 2009
  • Hey everyone, So i am a big runner and am getting sick of listening to the same music all the time...anyone have music you could recommend that you really like to work out to?
    in Music? Comment by blum0133 March 2009
  • Wow, this is great! My endurance is awesome but my strenth is another story...I am a pretty scrawny person, so I will def try this out! Have any other ideas for strength training that isnt boring and that I can do at home?
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