You could try using this calculator:, and input the hours you spend walking, cooking and sleeping etc.. Other than that, there's a detailed thread on accurately measuring calories needed here:…
Started counting calories 2 weeks ago and i've lost 7-8ish lbs, 4ish a week, though I suspect that's mostly just water weight. Hoping to shed another 10lbs within the next month! if i can manage to keep this up.. :)
I see.. Thanks for the advice!!
I understand your point. I feel that I kind of just mindlessly munch away at things when the calorie roof of the day is nowhere close enough to set off alarm bells in my head. (until my bloated stomach does so anyway)
my goals being the min fats & protein/max calories& carbs needed to sustain my caloric deficit. :)
I understand that the meal itself was obviously not healthy, the only thing that I said was healthy was the vegetables I was eating. The fats I took in throughout the day aligned with goals.., as did everything else
thanks for all the quick replies guys! I understand that eating to the point of bloating and discomfort is bad. What i'm trying to get at is , what exactly will be the negative impact on my body as a result of binge eating vegetables, besides making me feel uncomfortable afterwards? edit*if all goals are looked after.