How long did it take?



  • sus49
    sus49 Posts: 94 Member
    As everybody says, it varies hugely. I suggest that you not try to figure out WHEN you will reach your goal and just track your food day by day. I have found that setting dates to achieve weight loss is a self defeating practice. If I was very good and stuck to my diet and did not make my goal, it made me feel even more frustrated.

    That said started dieting Feb 1 2014 and I have lost nearly 22 lbs. It is VERY SLOW I weigh myself everyday, some days I am up and some days I am down, but I only record the days I go down, because that too alleviates the frustration.

    I strongly urge you not to set date goals. Set weight goals and patiently, patiently keep tracking and EVENTUALLY you will get there.
  • AnxiousPenman
    AnxiousPenman Posts: 71 Member
    The first 33 lbs took me exactly 12 weeks. Went from 250 to 217. And it's been a pretty even weight loss, usually 1.5 - 2 lbs a week, and randomly a couple 4-5lb losses seemingly out of nowhere.

    Another 37 lbs to go, which I expect to start coming off much slower as I get thinner. The last time I had a major weight loss, once I dropped below 200, it felt like the next 20 lbs took forever to come off.
  • ageeeboro
    ageeeboro Posts: 9
    Started counting calories 2 weeks ago and i've lost 7-8ish lbs, 4ish a week, though I suspect that's mostly just water weight. Hoping to shed another 10lbs within the next month! if i can manage to keep this up.. :)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    It took me four months at a -1.5 pound deficit. If it weren't for a stall right after I hit 20, I'd have had it done about three weeks quicker.
  • summerprogress
    two years took me 3 months to lose 24 lbs :)
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I've been doing this full-time (well except for one vacation week) since the end of January. I'm down 26 pounds as of today. Started at 255, I'm currently 229.

    It hasn't been constant, AT ALL. Some weeks I wouldn't lose a thing, some weeks I'd lose 3 pounds. It all depended on how much I was eating and how hard I was working out. But there were some weeks where I did well but only lost maybe half a pound.

    So yeah. About five months.
  • VCopple
    VCopple Posts: 56 Member
    As everybody says, it varies hugely. I suggest that you not try to figure out WHEN you will reach your goal and just track your food day by day. I have found that setting dates to achieve weight loss is a self defeating practice. If I was very good and stuck to my diet and did not make my goal, it made me feel even more frustrated.

    That said started dieting Feb 1 2014 and I have lost nearly 22 lbs. It is VERY SLOW I weigh myself everyday, some days I am up and some days I am down, but I only record the days I go down, because that too alleviates the frustration.

    I strongly urge you not to set date goals. Set weight goals and patiently, patiently keep tracking and EVENTUALLY you will get there.

    ^^^this. I think having a goal weight is better than a goal date. I realize that for some people it helps with motivation, and if you are one of those people, then maybe it will work for you, but I have also found that you need to use things other than the scale to determine if you're where you want to be. Muscle weighs more than fat, and clothing companies never agree on what number is a size. For example, I know for a fact that I can fit into Old Navy size 12, but most of my other 12s do not fit. Some of my 14s are too big, others fit just right.

    The biggest motivation for me personally is knowing that I have been at my goal weight before, and I was able to maintain that weight for 2 years. It was also less than 10 years ago, so I know it is possible to get there. I also realize that I did not gain the 30 pounds I am trying to lose over night, so I won't lose it over night. I just hope that it doesn't take me 10 more years to get back to where I was in 2009.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    It has taken me eight months to lose almost 50lbs. I was losing 2-3 per week at first, but after doing research realized that it's healthier and more sustainable to lose at a slower pace. So I set my goals so I would lose about a pound a week, and now I'm aiming for half pound each week until the last 10 or so come off.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    A year. I only had about 30 pounds to lose to begin with, though.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    A year. I only had about 30 pounds to lose to begin with, though.

    This for me also. Maintaining my muscle was more important that losing the weight.
  • fit_gal
    fit_gal Posts: 167
    2 and a half months (five yrs ago) to lose 33lbs. I was working out a lot! Lots of cardio, I did it via the Wii. I did get crazy obsessive in what I ate which was a bit scary lol
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    The question is not "how long did it take?", but rather "how long will it last?". I'm losing at a rate of 3lb/month, painstakingly slow for some impatient people, I'm sure. But I am learning the skills that will keep this weight off, should I continue to practice them, for the rest of my life, and that's what it's all about, right?? I'd rather do it right the first time and take my time, than to rush thru the process and not be able to maintain the results.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I lost 35 pounds in the four months from the first of September to the New Year. {240-205} I have lost 30 more pounds {205-175} in the 5 1/4 months from New Years until now. For the first four months I was doing the 5-2 fasting diet. As I was working out more, I found I couldn't stick to the two 600 calorie days a week. Now I have to learn how to maintain my weight.
  • only1life4us
    around 20lbs a month for me at my peak :) Nutrition is key!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I lost 30 in about 3 months.
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    I lost 25 pounds in 3 months. My starting weight was 247. I take a 30-45 min walk everyday. There are no excuses to not working out. (Unless you are literally bedridden) Even on my sick days I take a quick walk and eat healthy. Of course I eat fattening foods every once in a while. A small chocolate bar every couple weeks usually does the trick. Anyways, good luck with losing the weight!
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 397 Member
    I've lost 21lbs. since Feb. 22, 2014. That's 105 days, divided by 7 = 15 weeks. 21 lbs. divided by 15 = 1.4 lbs. per week average. That said, sometimes a week would go by with no loss at all, followed by a large loss the next week. It's not a straight line - just a general downward trend line.