xrahelx Member


  • stevia/ or splenda with steamed milk and a little vanilla extract. ( skim milk steams up the best) keurig makes a very nice milk steamer its like having your own starbucks cafe au lait machine! Plus the milk has its own sugars and proteins making it almost a meal :)
  • wow! You look great! thanks for the inspiration. Love the purple hair btw! :)
  • under 50 carbs daily, or for real results ( and in my case super crankiness - for 2 weeks I did 15 carbs/ day. ) It worked but then I was hangry. Muscle milk light is awesome. Lost 20lbs in 2 months. Could have lost more if I was exercising every day. Now I am eating carbs again (bad) and gained an immediate 4lbs, damn.
  • You look amazing! Thanks for the inspiration :)
  • I struggle with that too. or eating way too much after a 12 hr shift. I have added Luna Bars to help. Or if I don't have too many calories left and I am starving- I will drink muscle milk ( 100 cal). Also depends what yogurt you are eating - some like chobani have a crap load of sugar /carbs. Some days I am really under-…
  • I was at a show, and this man in his late 40's early 50's was drinking sitting in a corner and watching these two scantily clad barley 21 year old dancing ( they looked younger must have had fake IDs). I was watching him the whole time. I pointed him out to my husband and we watched him like a hawk the whole night. He got…
  • Thanks for posting! You inspired me to get my butt in gear!
  • I'd be more worried that you didn't receive an adequate dosage of antibiotics. If you throw up right after depending on the consistency and color you could have just thrown up your stomach contents & meds or other gi contents. I would try eating whole grain toast or something bland that will stick 10-15 min prior to taking…
  • I do the same thing! Now I either give half of my food to my hubby, or I order just sides. Ex a salad with chicken and a small appetizer. It seems like when you have more types of foods though in smaller amounts your brain thinks you are eating a lot when you aren't. Yay for tappas :) I just make sure I log my calories…