Healthy ways to sweeten coffee?



  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    I put protein powder (Vanilla Ice cream flavor), almond milk and Sugar free vanilla syrup in my coffee. :)

    In a pinch, I mixed vanilla protein powder and greek yogurt into my coffee. I was out of half and half and couldnt deal...
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    The trick with coffee is to log it accurately and fix it however you like it. Don't just dump some sugar or milk in it without measuring. Have it with whatever you like in it. You may find yourself adding less milk or sugar or whatever so you can have room in your calorie budget for another cup, or you may decide that one cup made "just so" is worth the calorie investment.
  • pixie_pix
    pixie_pix Posts: 157 Member
    Rice milk has some natural sweetness that goes just fine wth coffee...
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I don't have any problems with just regular sugar but I've also tried some flavor alternatives, which maybe you'll deam as your healthy:

    almond milk (even though I usually get the no sugar added)
    milk (has sugar)
    chocolate protein powder
    extras of various sorts
    flavored coffee
  • angelac1296
    angelac1296 Posts: 48 Member
    I came to this so excited, I've also been looking for a way to lower my coffee calories without losing the yum factor! Right now I'm at 155 calories per 16oz cup! I thought about cutting down on the creamer, but decided I really need my coffee to be awesome! But if there's something that tastes great and is better for me, I'm all over it!

    Sugar free stuff is usually sweetened with artificial stuff, . Sugar free pudding has sugar alcohol (xylitol) in it, so maybe that would work? Coconut milk and vanilla soy milk could be good too, I'll give those a try!

    I hope this thread gets more responses from ppl who've found natural yummy lower calorie ways to sweeten up their coffee!
  • bwayxlaura
    bwayxlaura Posts: 10 Member
    Unsweetened almond milk and pure liquid stevia extract for me.

    EDIT: Sorry, just saw your thing about stevia. Which one did you do? Liquid or powder? powder doesn't work for me (it had extra additives, too) and upsets my stomach but liquid doesn't. and is pure.

    I was doing the Stevia in the Raw packets. But I'll try the liquid if that doesn't upset your stomach! :)
  • bwayxlaura
    bwayxlaura Posts: 10 Member
    What kind of coffee are you drinking? Coffee made from high-quality beans with a light or medium roast has enough natural flavor that you may not need to add anything beyond a small splash of milk. Part of the reason we end up dumping so much stuff in our (commercially produced) coffee is to mask the taste of low quality beans and/or over-roasted beans.

    If you have one nearby, try buying your coffee at Trader Joe's - you can get very, very good coffee at a surprisingly low price.

    I've been drinking Folgers Medium Roast, but I actually have New Mexican Pinon Coffee from Trader Joe's that I haven't tried yet! I'm obsessed with Trader Joe's, so I'll definitely try a few different kinds! Do you have any recommendations
  • edilla
    edilla Posts: 5 Member
    The Peaberry is EXCELLENT, especially the Ethiopian one. But in general, I think the the light and medium roasts are nicer for drinking black than the dark roasts.
  • Links2
    Links2 Posts: 1
    I question the comment about using protein powder. If I understood the question correctly, she is trying to eliminate sweeteners from her coffee(artificial in particular). Frustose corn syrup is in just about everything these days because it is easy to produce and it is cheaper than sucrose, etc.. It is also terrible for you. I believe that sugar in general is not good for anybody. Our world population(even third world countries)is becoming more and more obese just from the intake of sugary products, of which corn syrup is usually involved.
    Natural forms of sugar is obviously better for us than any man made product.
    My point is basically to just be careful with the type of sugar and the amounts we consume. Coffee is only one means of sweetener intake. If you aren't looking out for the other items you are consuming throughout the day(everyday), then that little amount you use in your coffee won't make a lick of difference.
  • wakingdreamer
    wakingdreamer Posts: 12 Member
    I do unsweetened almond milk (vanilla or chocolate) and Sweet & Low.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I dip my pinkie in it for 0.1 seconds or it gets too sweet

  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    Try Silk Almond-Coconut Milk.....lots of health benefits and just a small amount adds a lot of flavor. I do like black coffee as well.
  • xrahelx
    xrahelx Posts: 11 Member
    stevia/ or splenda with steamed milk and a little vanilla extract. ( skim milk steams up the best) keurig makes a very nice milk steamer its like having your own starbucks cafe au lait machine! Plus the milk has its own sugars and proteins making it almost a meal :)
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    Historically I've gone with Splenda and now I'm trying to change too...Stevia seems like the way to go.
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    I drink my coffee with half and half and no sugar.

    I also use stevia occasionally for my cocoa. Make sure you read the ingredients on the stevia, because many stevia on the market is not pure stevia. I only buy pure stevia in fiber.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Just use sugar. It is perfectly healthy and only contains 15 calories per teaspoon. I like half and half for my coffee. 30 cals per tablespoon.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I question the comment about using protein powder. If I understood the question correctly, she is trying to eliminate sweeteners from her coffee(artificial in particular). Frustose corn syrup is in just about everything these days because it is easy to produce and it is cheaper than sucrose, etc.. It is also terrible for you. I believe that sugar in general is not good for anybody. Our world population(even third world countries)is becoming more and more obese just from the intake of sugary products, of which corn syrup is usually involved.
    Natural forms of sugar is obviously better for us than any man made product.
    My point is basically to just be careful with the type of sugar and the amounts we consume. Coffee is only one means of sweetener intake. If you aren't looking out for the other items you are consuming throughout the day(everyday), then that little amount you use in your coffee won't make a lick of difference.

    Strong first post.

    Sugar, HFCS, honey, agave nectar - none of these are bad for you in moderation. Likewise, artificial sweeteners have been studied extensively and are also safe.

    Not sexy, I know. But it's the truth.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I question the comment about using protein powder. If I understood the question correctly, she is trying to eliminate sweeteners from her coffee(artificial in particular). Frustose corn syrup is in just about everything these days because it is easy to produce and it is cheaper than sucrose, etc.. It is also terrible for you. I believe that sugar in general is not good for anybody. Our world population(even third world countries)is becoming more and more obese just from the intake of sugary products, of which corn syrup is usually involved.
    Natural forms of sugar is obviously better for us than any man made product.
    My point is basically to just be careful with the type of sugar and the amounts we consume. Coffee is only one means of sweetener intake. If you aren't looking out for the other items you are consuming throughout the day(everyday), then that little amount you use in your coffee won't make a lick of difference.

    Sugar in coffee is as harmful as sugar in fruit(no harm at all). World population may or may not be more obese but to say it is directly linked to sugar is silly. Maybe food abundance, and our environment(sitting more then moving, centralized air conditioning, convenience foods etc.) may have a greater impact on a generations weight. Other then these items, strong first post, and the OP asked this question in August of '13. The OP has probably moved on.
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    When I drink hot coffee, it's usually black. I buy small amounts of those flavored beans that I mix in with my regular beans and it gives the coffee just enough sweetness that I don't need to add any sweetener. I will occasionally add milk though.

    My dad sometimes adds chocolate milk to his coffee. Kind of like a mocha latte.