Creeps you out?



  • I get very creeped out by people who don't understand personal space. That's about it in normal every day things.

    Absolutely agree! I have a bubble and I prefer that you don't get in it if I don't know you. I can't stand people who stand right up on you in line, or walks to close. Creeps me out.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    a prominent doctor in my community pulled up behind me at a stoplight. i looked in my rearview mirror and watched him pick his nose....look at it....and then.........EAT IT! i would never let him do surgery on my or my family!
  • Dolls and plastic babies have always really creeped me out. Fingernails kind of do too.
  • Lady_Layla
    Lady_Layla Posts: 34 Member
    I get very creeped out by people who don't understand personal space. That's about it in normal every day things.

    Yes, thank you! :bigsmile: GET OUT OF MY SPACE BUBBLE!!! :noway:
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,757 Member
    Had a conversation with my friend earlier and she told me she had been on the train and a well dressed man in a suit sat beside her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him pick his nose and wipe it in the seat. She had to get up and walk down the far end of the carriage.

    My friend is heavily pregnant and gave up her seat because she was so freaked out!

    So we got to talking about other things people do that creep us out. Mine is when people use a public toilet in a restaurant, they don't wash their hands and go straight back to eating their meal, dirty fingernails and people spitting on the street!

    I once saw a child spit on a traffic light button, I don't press them anymore...
    I'd totally creep you out....I'm a mechanic, my finernails are NEVER clean! lol
  • xrahelx
    xrahelx Posts: 11 Member
    I was at a show, and this man in his late 40's early 50's was drinking sitting in a corner and watching these two scantily clad barley 21 year old dancing ( they looked younger must have had fake IDs). I was watching him the whole time. I pointed him out to my husband and we watched him like a hawk the whole night. He got really close to one girls drink. I tried to point him out to security but they didn't seem too concerned. I watched his creepy *kitten* all night. I couldn't relax. You know how your woman instincts are. and that guy set of my rapist alert! Creepy!
  • Lady_Layla
    Lady_Layla Posts: 34 Member
    a prominent doctor in my community pulled up behind me at a stoplight. i looked in my rearview mirror and watched him pick his nose....look at it....and then.........EAT IT! i would never let him do surgery on my or my family!

    Bahahahaha! Oh, that's awful! It reminds me of one time in CA and I noticed a very famous actor. (This is the HONEST truth!) Well, I saw him lift his hand to his face, pick his nose, do that little roll-it-into-a-ball thingy and flick it off of his hand!

    I just couldn't EFFING believe it! :sick: :noway:
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Also (I'm getting too into this), people with bad public restroom manners.
    If you can't manage too pee IN the toilet and you must pee ON the toilet, please go home and pee on your own toilet. And if you do miss, clean it up.
    And use a little bit of toilet paper and flush the toilet with your hand. I am horrified when I can tell that someone is flushing the toilet with her foot at the mall. It's right by the food court. There are a lot of children using that restroom. Children who are often in a rush to get back to their friends and don't do the best job with hand-washing. Children who are going to eat with their hands. That means kids could get sick because some self-absorbed @ss decided to wipe her shoe on the toilet handle.
    From my college days... If the toilet appears to be clogged, maybe you could use one of the other 20 toilets? Why would you possibly want to sit over that mess?
    Off my soapbox.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Had a conversation with my friend earlier and she told me she had been on the train and a well dressed man in a suit sat beside her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him pick his nose and wipe it in the seat. She had to get up and walk down the far end of the carriage.

    My friend is heavily pregnant and gave up her seat because she was so freaked out!

    So we got to talking about other things people do that creep us out. Mine is when people use a public toilet in a restaurant, they don't wash their hands and go straight back to eating their meal, dirty fingernails and people spitting on the street!

    I once saw a child spit on a traffic light button, I don't press them anymore...
    I'd totally creep you out....I'm a mechanic, my finernails are NEVER clean! lol

    I don't mind people who's hands and nails are dirty from work, my boyfriend is a chef so his hands get dirty but he has to clean them constantly.

    I'm talking about people who are filthy dirty anyway and don't care! Everyone's nails get dirty but there's no excuse for being a dirty fecker
  • dimpleschick
    dimpleschick Posts: 85 Member
    Some people truly have disgusting personal habits. Nose pickers, street spitters, loud swearing in public, parents who think their children's bad behavior is cute or should be tolerated by the rest of us. Let's see, men in speedos, coughing without shielding it from the rest of the public, not washing hands in the public restroom---and while we are on that subject, women who "hover" and don't clean up the seat.

    Reading the entire post makes me want to say EEEEWWWWW!!!!! Excuse me, I'm going to go scrub myself with a brush now.
  • People who snort...that's disgusting. Just get a tissue and blow your nose. :-p
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I'm never leaving my apartment again *shudder*
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I can handle a lot of things, except people who smack their lips when they eat! I am trying to enjoy my meal, I don't need to hear your saliva and half-chewed food being slapped around in your mouth!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    You reminded me when I was at a museum with touch exhibits you were supposed to stick your finger in and touch this material to see if you could figure out what it was........................well I was squishing a piece of gum someone stuck in there for like 2 minutes haha......................nasty @sshole.

    You know how you see a lot of stuff on the Internets and people say LOL when really they probably only grinned or barely cracked a smile? This one truly had me Laugh Out Loud. But really, I am so sorry for your pain....
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Anyone who stares at me and get in my personal space... I get it all the time.

    Story: one day I was buying cases of water and Smart N Final and this older man who was standing behind me at the checkout line and turned around and he was literally like 2-3inches away from my back/behind ... I told him excuse me and I scooted up and he got closer trying so hard to make eye contact... I was so uncomfortable and disturbed I wanted to cry.. Being the nice person I am I couldn't even tell him to get away from me.. It was so creepy.. So now I have this thing where sometimes if people overly stare... I get so umcomfortable I will just leave or make start hiding behind something lol... Yea I get creeped out by creepers!
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    Guys who jingle their pant pockets stuff! Sick pervs...major creeps
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    I saw some teenager at the mall sneeze and a TON of boogers came out - all hanging out. He wiped it onto his hand and then right down the banister. GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    When people blow their noses in the restaurant. It's disgusting.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    People who pop their gum with every bite. I dont know how they do it but I want to reach in and pull it out. Gah!
    People who blow their nose at the table! Please excuse yourself to the restroom.
    Actually.... most of mine are table related. Talking with your mouthful, shoveling food into your mouth with your fingers, using your utensils like a caveman, any form of gas at the table is wrong. Yes, that last one has happened and NO it is NOT considered a form of flattery to the restaurant/chef. Those people who tuck their napkins in their shirt.
    Bathroom talkers.
  • King_Bee
    King_Bee Posts: 275 Member
    People who blow their nose at the table! Please excuse yourself to the restroom.
    Yes!! Seriously!!
    Bathroom talkers.

    "How's it going?"
    *slowly turns head, then turns back*

    But I think the biggest thing that bugs me is the way people stare at me at the urinal...I mean really act like you've never seen a grown man pull his pants and boxers down around his ankles to pee!!