

  • 8 x 8 oz = 64 oz = 1 Gallon!!!!!
  • Please stop drinking diet soda! What Is Aspartame Made Of? Aspartic Acid (40 percent of Aspartame) Aspartate and acts as neurotransmitter in the brain by facilitating the transmission of information from neuron to neuron. Too much aspartate in the brain kills certain neurons by allowing the influx of too much calcium into…
  • All the best Dave, This is a good site. I've been here since mid-April and have managed to lose 16 lbs so far.
  • Hi BabyRaven, I have been here since mi-April and am amazed how eating healthy in the correct amounts and with a little activity beyond breathing, how the pounds just go away! I'm down 16 lbs! Welcome to the site. It works! Andreas aka: Sovokit
    in New to MFP Comment by sovokit June 2011
  • Hi, I joined in mid-April and have lost 16 lbs so far! It is a great site for recording calories, exercise, etc. Good people too. My wife joined too and has lost 18 lbs! Regards, Andreas
    in Hello Comment by sovokit May 2011
  • Are your calories "empty" calories? Are you getting the nutrition you need? Remember a balanced diet is soooo important! I hope it's just a plateau as your body comes to terms with the amount of calories you are giving it. Persevere - don't give up! Hugs!:flowerforyou:
  • Way to go! You don't know how bad Aspartame really is! I am sooo proud of you!! Keep it up.:wink:
  • I am lucky. I do not like ice cream. I have always hated the sticky lips I get from eating it, so I don't. I much prefer a nice cold beer for my discretionary calories! LOL
  • Brian "I've just got one or two things to say." Crowd "Tell us. Tell us both of them" Brian "Look, you've got it all wrong. You don't NEED to follow me! You don't NEED to follow anybody! You've got to think for yourselves. You're all individuals." Crowd "Yes, we're all individuals" Brian "You're all different." Crowd "Yes,…