

  • The last 10 is definitely taking forever. I joined a gym last month and have been going 5x a week. The scale has not budged what-so-ever though so I am just trying to concentrate on getting my body to look leaner.
  • I second the Vegetarian Times website for quick searches on yummy recipe ideas (direct link: ) Their magazine is also good for ideas and tips on eating veg.
  • These stories are amazing!! I will have gather some photos to document mine too as I think you can see it in my face and also people at work have noticed. My height is 5'1" SW: 157 CW: 135 GW: 125 UGW: 120 I was calorie counting and walking. I've now joined an athletic club and am working out 4-5 days a week so hopefully…
  • Great posts! I am really considering one as well. I am sure that I walk more than I manually enter into mfp.
  • There is an estimate of calories burned in the exercise database. I also read on Livestrong that a person about 140 lbs burns approximately 500 calories an hour jogging in place. Otherwise you'd have to have one of those heart rate monitors to get a more accurate estimate of calories burned.
  • This is exactly where I am at. I was vegan for awhile but it was just easier for meals with extended family and for travelling if I ate cheese every now again. We don't use eggs at all (p.s. Kingsmill Egg Replacer powder is a wonderful product for baking).
  • Yup, I'm in. I think a group would be great. I am in Ottawa, Canada. (and have been a vegetarian since '97)
  • I'm the same. I usually check everyday to see if I am staying steady (e.g. going down not up) but have only been logging once a week. I have also been measuring which I find is actually what makes me feel better - losing inches on my waist and being able to fit my clothes better.
  • I'm from Ottawa, Canada where today it is beautiful and sunny (but not super warm!) Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I'm a veggie. Have been since '97. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I like making a thai curry with eggplant. This is a good recipe (but I use only one can of coconut milk). If you don't eat tofu - you can substitute chicken and you can use either red or green curry paste. Serve over jasmine rice.
  • I've been trying carrots or a banana and drinking tea. But haven't quite hit the magic thing to tide me over yet.
  • Feel free to add me. I'm a veg - try to be vegan as much as possible. I have about 20 lbs that I would like to lose to get back to BMI healthy category. I've always been interested in learning yoga but haven't tried it yet. I've just gotten back into calorie counting. Very interesting looking at the nutrition levels on the…