How Often Do You Weigh In?

I know the answers I'm going to get! :) However, I weigh in daily just to keep myself accountable and focused on adhering to my food plan for that day. However, I don't update my weight on here unless I have maintained it for at least a couple of days. Am I being overly compulsive?


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I check the scale everyday twice, in the morning and at night. I do this because i want to see if there is a loss, I also want to see how much i gain during the day (it has changed since i started eating healthy, less of a fluctuation) But i am only going to update here once a week. Something else to look forward to i guess.
  • heididormanen
    I threw out the scale and weigh in with my nutritionist once every 3 weeks.. I do much better this way.. I go by how I feel and not by a number in front of me every day :)
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I only weigh on Thursdays. Weekends are bad for me since I am with hubby who is a bad influence so I weigh on Thursday after I get 3 days of healthy eating at work.
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    Measuring yourself is something I recommend. Isn't that what everyone is here for anyway? Not too many people would care if they weighed 200 lbs, so long as they look good and are in shape.
  • ladybugh
    ladybugh Posts: 14
    I'm the same. I usually check everyday to see if I am staying steady (e.g. going down not up) but have only been logging once a week. I have also been measuring which I find is actually what makes me feel better - losing inches on my waist and being able to fit my clothes better.
  • eagles0080
    eagles0080 Posts: 15
    My husband weighs himself every day...but because the scale can fluctuate several pounds here and there...I only weigh in once a week.
  • Steveeee
    Steveeee Posts: 62
    Whenever I get the urge to. Only log it once a week, though.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    No, you're fine. As long as you understand that you'll have water retention more on some days than other there is no harm in it.
  • sjklaus
    sjklaus Posts: 59 Member
    I try to weigh-in officially Weekly...I have to admit that sometimes I take a sneak peak.
  • candi82
    candi82 Posts: 6
    i weigh in every morning before i eat/drink anything. (I also do occasionally during the day just for motivation.)

    DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!!! Afterall this is YOUR journey... no one elses! :)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I weigh every day and record only the new lows. I also graph my deficit and loss by YTD, month, and Monday check in's.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I usually weigh twice daily. In the morning and before bed. I only record once a week and I usually only record a loss unless the gain is significant and lasts until my next weigh in.
  • TexasBrit
    TexasBrit Posts: 2
    I weigh in every day, too - it helps me pay attention to my salt intake. I update every day, but I measure only once a week - I think that's more what I pay attention to, how my clothes fit and feel. Weighing in every day helps me to avoid the candy jar at work - I don't think it's compulsive if it's helping you stay on track.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I update here every friday. I wake up, use the little girls room and weigh myself. Whatever that is, is what gets put on MFP. I dont care if its my TOM or if I ate a cow the day before, every friday!~!
  • jenreb1
    jenreb1 Posts: 10
    I weight in daily ... can't help it - I know you should only do it once a week or so .... but it just sits there 'looking' at me - so I jump on!
  • chmie662
    chmie662 Posts: 31
    Its best to weight yourself at the same time whenever you weigh in. I usually weigh in every morning when I wake up and record that for the day.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    I know it isn't what we are supposed to do, but I check most daily in the hopes that today is the day my hard work pays off. It's so few and far between at this point that I can't help myself.
  • TexasBrit
    TexasBrit Posts: 2
    I absolutely agree - Gabrielle Reese (Olympic volley ball team and model) weighed 200 lbs and was a size 8 when she was playing.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I weigh in every morning, as soon as I get out of the bed. I am going to have to stop though. The scales have either gone up a little or stayed the same since Saturday, and I am getting a bit discouraged. I have added more cardio, and now going to add in some strength training, something I haven't been doing. A MFP friend suggested doing more strength trainigng this morning on my blog, that is when I realized, that is what I am missing.
  • acchickpea
    acchickpea Posts: 43 Member
    I find myself weighing in every morning and night... I log in MFP when I can. I think that it is overly obsessive but I think it keeps me in track. Let's me know if what I'm doing is causing the results...