

  • Going camping or something like it for 2-3 days will completely reset your internal clock. Disconnect from your phone and technology, and go let the sun tell you when to go to bed and when to wake up.
  • Everyone hits a plateau every now and then, keep pushing! Switch it up, do things a bit differently. You'll trick your body into remembering how to lose weight again! Also remember how the number on the scale might not be changing as much as your body is, a pound of fat is a lot bigger than a pound of muscle!
  • I don't know if this fits into your plan, but I'd take a look at IdealShape, they sell meal replacement shakes with a natural hunger blocker in them that really helps me. I eat a ton, and I still do, but when I have a shake, (that taste good, not crappy) it does a pretty solid job of holding me over until my next meal, as…