New Meal Plan, Constant Hunger

I will first admit, I have been a TERRIBLE eater the last year or two. I have been eating nothing but fast food and junk. That being said, I signed up for this new fit camp and was given a recommended meal plan. However, I am constantly feeling hungry. Keep in mind, my body is used to eating until I'm sick. BUT, I am having a hard time ignoring the hunger I have. Do I just need to ride this out for a few days to let my body adjust, or maybe add a few extra healthy snacks into the mix? I looove eating fruit and want to eat more right now but worry that the extra sugar will ruin my plan. Thoughts, Suggestions, Comments?


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    eat small snacks in the meantime, and eventually wean them out over the course of a couple weeks. your stomach will adjust eventually but it will take some time
  • Adefowler
    Adefowler Posts: 61 Member
    Without knowing what your plan is, it's hard to judge what you should do.
  • Krissy_K89
    Krissy_K89 Posts: 14 Member
    Sorry, I don't have the plan in front of me but I have like five meals for breakfast to choose from, and then probably six to choose from for lunch and dinner. In between those three meals, I am supposed to have three snacks for the day. Today's meal:

    Breakfast- 1 cup of cheerios with a cup of almond milk
    Snack1- Carbmaster yogurt
    Lunch- 7 inch corn tortilla with 1/2 cup refried beans and 2 oz of salsa
    Snack2- 2 cups of raspberries

    I have also been drinking a fair amount of water. I have probably had about 50 oz so far.

    Now, I am not supposed to eat until dinner at 5 and I am so hungry all I can think about is running to get some cheesy taters on my way home.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Hard to say, not knowing what exactly your plan is.
    Some things to try:
    1) Eat more smaller meals over the course of the day (so if you're eating 4 maybe break it up into six smaller)
    2) Cut up some fresh veggies to keep in a baggie that you can grab since veggies tend to have few calories than fruit
    3) Maybe add a small protein or fat to your snack (something like a piece of cheese with some mixed carrots, broccoli, green pepper, cucumber, and tomatoes or maybe some celery with peanut butter)

    It all depends on what you're set up on for your plan as to what works for you. You don't want to just deal with being hungry until you adjust, you'll be miserable and more likely to fall off the wagon. Is the plan that you got put on a one size fits all type plan? (I ask this because some places think that if everybody does a 1200 cal/day meal plan they will lose weight, and yes they will, but going from say, for example, eating 2700 cals/day to 1200 cals/day can be killer on your system when you may be better off going from 2700 cal/day to 2000 cal/day to start.) There are many theories on how to calculate your calories in/calories out, find out what method they are using, you may find it's not the best for you and something else may work better and give you better progress. For me, I stink at counting calories and logging, I went to a Registered Dietician and she helped me set up a plan that I eat a set number of food from each food group (I am actually really good about weighing and measuring my food and being consistent about doing it, even if I "know" what something weighs because I've done it a million times, it still goes on the scale) and as long as I stick to that my calorie intake equals 1750 cal/day. It works for me (granted my weight loss is and will be slow as mud because I am hypothyroid and insulin resistant, but now that I know, at least I have all the more ammunition in my arsenal to keep fighting for it). So don't be discouraged if you have to tinker around to find what works for you.
    Good luck!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Sorry, I don't have the plan in front of me but I have like five meals for breakfast to choose from, and then probably six to choose from for lunch and dinner. In between those three meals, I am supposed to have three snacks for the day. Today's meal:

    Breakfast- 1 cup of cheerios with a cup of almond milk
    Snack1- Carbmaster yogurt
    Lunch- 7 inch corn tortilla with 1/2 cup refried beans and 2 oz of salsa
    Snack2- 2 cups of raspberries

    I have also been drinking a fair amount of water. I have probably had about 50 oz so far.

    Now, I am not supposed to eat until dinner at 5 and I am so hungry all I can think about is running to get some cheesy taters on my way home.
    You need more protein!!!
    If it were me, I would have 1 cup oatmeal with cinnamon 1 egg (hardboiled or poached depending if I'm at work or home, and no not together, just at the same time) and 1 serving of fruit for breakfast
    1 container greek yogurt for am snack
    lunch is a salad with 4 oz chicken/turkey/tuna or a sandwich with 4 oz chicken/turkey/tuna and a serving of fruit
    snack is 1 serving almonds and carrot sticks
    supper is 3oz chicken/turkey/fish/lean beef, rice and hot veggie (doc just recommended I switch the afternoon and evening servings of proteins around since I seem to be losing my appetite in the evening and I was getting into bad eating habits so I'm trying this)
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    What is the daily calorie total for this plan? Not everyone is a nutritionist, and sometimes you sign up for something expecting to be led by an expert in fitness & nutrition - but you should still seek info on their qualifications. Make sure this plan is safe, healthy, reasonable.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1. Make sure that your calorie levels are appropriate for your size and activity levels. Way too many people skip this step and then wonder why their bodies are trying to tell them something.

    2. Look for foods with lots of protein, fat, and fiber. These help you to feel fuller and more satiated for longer.

    3. Drink plenty of fluids.

    4. Play around with your meal timings. Some people do really well on 6 small meals a day and others find that they do better on 2-3 larger meals. Meal timing won't affect your weight loss, but it may affect your hunger and energy levels throughout the day.

    5. If steps 1-4 don't help, then wait it out. Your body sends out hunger signals partially out of habit. It will stop sending them out as frequently once it gets used to the new routine, but you may have to give it a little time to catch up.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    ^That. Also look for foods that are high bulk/low calorie like salad greens, squash, green beans, sugar snap peas, any that you like, and fill up on them. I keep a few cans of things like summer squash or baby carrots around in case I'm feeling super hungry and don't want to obliterate my calorie goal. Canned food is full of sodium, but it's super fast, and you can eat the whole can for under 100 cals.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    Definitely need more protein and more low-calorie but dense or bulky(as in amount) of food. Peanut butter should be good for a snack. Try 30 grams with an apple for an afternoon snack. It should tide you over until dinner.
  • missemmapeel
    missemmapeel Posts: 69 Member
    Sorry, I don't have the plan in front of me but I have like five meals for breakfast to choose from, and then probably six to choose from for lunch and dinner. In between those three meals, I am supposed to have three snacks for the day. Today's meal:

    Breakfast- 1 cup of cheerios with a cup of almond milk
    Snack1- Carbmaster yogurt
    Lunch- 7 inch corn tortilla with 1/2 cup refried beans and 2 oz of salsa
    Snack2- 2 cups of raspberries

    I have also been drinking a fair amount of water. I have probably had about 50 oz so far.

    Now, I am not supposed to eat until dinner at 5 and I am so hungry all I can think about is running to get some cheesy taters on my way home.

    I would be so hungry if I ate like this!!!

    Agreed with the protein advice, and cutting down on processed food.

    Try adding protein powder to your milk with cereals (just add 1/2 or 1 scoop to the milk and stir it in), substiture oats (not the instant packaged kind) for other cereals, or have eggs

    Make sure you have protein with every meal or snack (add cheese, peanut butter, cottage cheese, tuna)

    And stick with it and don't get discouraged. I find it really helpful having friends that are doing well and looking in their diaries to see what they are eating.

    I don't know where you got your meal plan from, but it doesn't sound sustainable or really that good to me, maybe you can find something better? If you are in Canada you can call 811 and talk to a dietitian who can give you advice.

    Good luck!
  • thenephites221
    I don't know if this fits into your plan, but I'd take a look at IdealShape, they sell meal replacement shakes with a natural hunger blocker in them that really helps me. I eat a ton, and I still do, but when I have a shake, (that taste good, not crappy) it does a pretty solid job of holding me over until my next meal, as long as I drink lots of water with it. But if you're not looking to spend any money and just change habits they have free books and such I've heard work well, (I've never used the free books)

    Otherwise I'd just say pump down water. Allllll the time.
  • Krissy_K89
    Krissy_K89 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm pretty disappointed with the fit camp. The woman putting it on is a professional body builder and a trainer. Well, I entered some of the different meals into MFP and they are all under 1000 calories which seems pretty crazy to me. I was actually really bummed to be told I couldn't have my morning oatmeal with blueberries. The plans are all supposed to be specific to each person; however, my cousin who has like 12% less body fat than I do and is super fit has the same plan as I do which I thought was a little sketchy. Looks like I will have to take another route! Unfortunately, I have been starving all afternoon at work and am feeling super ravenous. :( BUMMER!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I suspect that many of the MFP regulars would be better qualified than some of the 'professionals' out there in terms of nutrition advice. The beauty of MFP is you can get feedback for free, and then use your own time & research resources to investigate the validity.

    Sounds like you've figured out why you are hungry. Some people may do really well on a regiment that is provided to them in detail - but they also need to question things. (As you are, that's good!) Perhaps just supplement this plan - add protein, fruits, etc. to get you to a reasonable calorie total. In the long run though, no food is off limits. Oatmeal with blueberries is awesome. (Of course once upon a time I added tons of sugar & butter to oatmeal. I'd skip those extras these days!!)
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm pretty disappointed with the fit camp. The woman putting it on is a professional body builder and a trainer. Well, I entered some of the different meals into MFP and they are all under 1000 calories which seems pretty crazy to me. I was actually really bummed to be told I couldn't have my morning oatmeal with blueberries. The plans are all supposed to be specific to each person; however, my cousin who has like 12% less body fat than I do and is super fit has the same plan as I do which I thought was a little sketchy. Looks like I will have to take another route! Unfortunately, I have been starving all afternoon at work and am feeling super ravenous. :( BUMMER!
    I think they have you on a one size fits all plan, possibly because the person that is running the fit camp doesn't really have any nutritional training (ie she's never actually gone to school to become a nutrtionist or registered dietician) she either is going based off of what she did for herself or if it's part of a corporate program, it's the programs one size fits all meal plan. If you want a meal plan that is a little more tailored to you, look into a registered dietician, if you have health insurance, check to see if it's covered under your plan, you may only have to pay a copay (depending on your insurance plan), that's what I did. The RD I saw is associated with a local hospital and was actually recommended to me by a friend who had gastric surgery because she works with bariatric patients so she really knows her stuff for weight loss. I admit I was skeptical because some will just put you on a 1200 cal diet and send you off on your own, but she looked over my food charts from here, listened to me about how much I work out, asked questions and even said that what she would normally have patients do wouldn't work for me because a) I'm too active and b) I hate counting calories and tracking so that was why she gave me a meal plan that tells me how many foods I can have from each food group per day- I made my own checkoff sheet just so I have an easy way to keep track for me that I keep in my kitchen- and as long as I followed it, I would be eating 1700 cals every day and if I needed to I could always eat a little extra, she also was able to help me get past some of my issues about "cheating" and "bad foods" so I could not feel bad or give up if I ate out or had that one little piece of cake at my own birthday party. When I learned that I was hypothyroid and insulin resistant, I called her to make another appointment to see if I needed to make any changes, told her what was going on, she said normally at this point she would tell me to drop my cals to 1200, but again because of how active I am, that was a bad idea, so she said stick it out until I was regulated on the meds and see if the food plan worked better than it had been (I hadn't lost any weight , but we didn't know about the underlying health issues at the time) if not then call her and she'd adjust it a little. I stopped gaining on the food plan as soon as I started treatment for the underlying health issues. I'm just getting regulated on the meds so hopefully I will soon start losing, if not I'll give her a shout so we can make some changes. Hope you're eatting more and feeling better!