

  • If you do Push-ups, Dips, Chin ups and Pull ups until muscle failure once to twice a week it will help significantly. Do 6-7 reps at a time. If you can't do Dips, Chin ups and Pull ups on your own use the machine that adds weight to help you not have to pull/dip all your body weight. As for Push-ups try different…
  • Most deffinantly agree, anything can happen at anytime. So you should cherish the moment you have with people and learn to let go and move forward. There are always new adventures out there, and always new people to meet. I think your friend should stay in conact with the childs father and let him see the child, but move…
  • I bought both kinds the Chocolate and the Greenberry. They are better if you blendsomething with them. They have an odd after taste to them. I notice that it gives me more energy if I drink it a couple hours before I work out. I would deffininatly stick with the chocolate flavor. If you take multivitamins you should also…