mtnman2415 Member


  • Your Daughter is darling. When I make my raw juices I have had to just search for raw ingredients and add those individually instead of juice. There are quite a few fruits and veggies listed as raw. It takes a lot of time unless it's something you do often then you could make it a meal or recipe and save it for use later.…
  • I am a part time juicer, I hope to do a juice fast one day, but just not sure I can stick with it at this point. Maybe as I progress and get some confidence. 1/2 a Jalapeno is great in a juice too. I was surprised. Lemon Ginger Blast is great, got it off YouTube.
  • Great success story. I watched Forks Over Knives and down loaded The Engine II diet. Thanks for the info. I wish you continued success. I know what you mean about never picturing yourself as a Vegan.
  • Thanks for the friend request JT and sd333. @JT There are just some times when I have to go get a burger. They are far a few between, but it happens. 99% is awesome in my book. It's hard to do in a busy life. @ sd333 - Not sure what Pescatarian is, I'll have to read up on the one. Better than the old joke about a See-Food…
  • I would like to be your friend as well. I haven't figured out how to do that yet and couldn't find it in the help. How does that work? Thanks Dennis
  • New to MFP and struggling to get back into shape after years of neglect. I would enjoy having friends as well. Just to lerk and learn or comment and share as well. Here's to our journey.
  • Thanks Marine, especially Thanks for your Service!