Renewed effort - It's never too late

mtnman2415 Posts: 11 Member
edited August 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I have been an unhealthy Vegan for a while, but took a hiatus on keto as recommend by my Doc. Not good. Going to give WFPB hell with no oil and achieve my goals. I don't have any friends who aren't meat eaters, so if you want to share, I would love to.
ps. Still figuring this out not user how to request or friend someone yet.


  • JTlivez
    JTlivez Posts: 72 Member
    Just started going vegan a few weeks ago. I've had slip ups with dairy here and there but I've been strict on not having meat. I don't think it will last forever, as I'm bound to have meat atleast once more before I die... But I'm definitely going to have a plant-based diet 99% of the time.
  • sd333
    sd333 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there! I started on a pescatarian diet 3 months ago and have switched to 'seagan' within the past month (vegan with the occasional wild caught fish, preferably caught by me). I'm loving my meals and have much more energy. I have 14 pounds more to lose to reach my first goal of 175 lbs. I started at 213; currently down to 189. I don't plan on going back to my old eating habits - the more I learn about veganism, the more I feel committed to this way of life for health and ethical reasons.
  • mtnman2415
    mtnman2415 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the friend requestq2jx15prrwu7.jpg
    JT and sd333. @JT There are just some times when I have to go get a burger. They are far a few between, but it happens. 99% is awesome in my book. It's hard to do in a busy life.

    @ sd333 - Not sure what Pescatarian is, I'll have to read up on the one. Better than the old joke about a See-Food diet right? I See Food and it eat!
  • sd333
    sd333 Posts: 14 Member
    Exactly, lol!! A pescatarian eats a primarily vegetarian diet along with seafood.