suzannekk Member


  • Hurray! Thanks! Yeah some of us need translation.
  • You know...tomorrow is another day. It IS. If you think of it as a continuation, then doing better tomorrow makes up for yesterday. No one's perfect. Particularly us women. We're so hard on ourselves. I work at a Dr's office. Once a week, a drug rep brings us lunch. It's never salad and water. Yesterday it was pasta and I…
  • I have 100+ to lose. I have started using my daughter's Wii at night after she goes to bed. She has a program called "Just Dance." You can do low impact aerobic type dancing, all by yourself, your cardio is accomplished, no one sees you. Today I walked 16 minutes (it's chilly today) and then danced all by myself, and…
  • AMEN. I am 6 feet tall, and the low end weight for me is 145. I have not seen that weight since I was 13, and then I thought I was a HOG. Embrace your body. My God, I have 100 to lose to weigh 30 pounds more than my lowest healthy weight per the Dr.
  • MARCH! I stomp off more stress. Take it out on you in a good way!
  • I don't go to the gym (can't afford it) but I do walk the neighborhood and the office park, and I care NOT what people may be saying. the pool...I'm mortified, but dressed? They're the losers if they make fun of me. I'm trying.
  • I make guacamole for years with only tomato, avacado, and onion with a good squeeze of lemon and salt and pepper. Fairly low in calories, even if you eat the whole thing, it could be a meal. The thing that stinks is the chips. What is a brand of great low cal chips to eat the guac?
  • Water in, sweat and urine out. We're designed well.