9Chelle28 Member


  • This may be an unpopular response but relying solely on calorie deficit does not work for everyone. The thyroid regulates many things in the body that people aren't even aware of, metabolism is just one of the things that it can affect. My first suggestion is to have your thyroid levels checked and not just the TSH that a…
  • Thanks I'll give it a read! I had no energy to exercise or barely move before I gave up gluten and got better medicated and just limiting calories didn't work at all because my thyroid doesn't work at all.
  • Thank you!
  • Personally I don't use MFP for exercise at all. I have a fitbit that more accurately tracks what I am actually burning. When I have compared the two I have found that MFP is significantly higher than what fitbit has determined using my actual body size and heart rate. MFP and fitbit are linked though so my calorie burn…
  • Thanks Angel and Foxy, good to hear success stories. I'm definitely going to try it, just need to sit down and figure out my days and calorie schedule. I cannot see a downside to at least trying it.
  • Thanks everyone. I can understand the unintentional calorie cycling but I'm looking to try more structured to see if it helps with plateauing. I also get more hungry on exercise days so I believe that a more structured approach would work better for me.
  • Congratulations! Great job! All your hard work has definitely paid off, you look amazing!
  • I'm newly back to the site after being diagnosed with a thyroid disease. It's a daily struggle but I'm determined. Anyone willing to share encouragement feel free to add me
  • I'm in a similar boat. Just getting MFP up and running again and I got a new fitbit to keep me motivated. Could always use MFP friends to share tips and motivation with. Add me if you'd like. And good luck with your journey!
  • Hi, I'm dealing with Autoimmune Hashimoto's Thyroiditsis myself so I can relate to your challenge. My disease may make it almost impossible for me to lose weight but I'm still trying.
  • I too need help with the motivation needed during the weight loss journey. I appreciate any friends who are willing to help me out.
  • Kind of been through the same thing. Lost a bunch of weight before my wedding two years ago and then ended up gaining it all back plus a few extra pounds. Sometimes it is just so hard to stick with it. I think my problem that time was that I expected myself to stick with something too restricting as my doctor had me eating…
  • I can relate. I've had two myself and just never been able to feel like I look good since. I've got a lot to lose but I'm pretty determined.
  • Welcome back! I'm in the same boat as you and started using the site again just a few days ago. I found the support and encouragement I got from MFP friends helped a lot last time. I'm willing to swap encouragement and will send you a friend request. I would appreciate requests from anyone else who is looking for…
  • I tried this site and a different one a few years ago for a short period of time. I liked this one the best. I have been just using the site that goes with my fitbit lately but then I discovered that MFP works with their site and I like the interaction on this site much better.
  • You are doing amazing! I recently got back on the weight loss bandwagon and came to MFP to find information and encouragement from others in similar situations. It's good to see posts like yours to know that people can be successful! Good luck on the remainder of your journey.
  • I'm back on the bandwagon after falling off for awhile and dealing with an endocrinologist who really depressed me. I'm new to the site and would love supportive friends who I will give support and encouragement back to. Send me a friend request. Welcome to the MFP and good luck in your journey!