

  • I started a C25K and at first I would always stop if a car was going by. Then, after I started to `get into it`, I didn`t want cars interrupting my timing (you know--messing up my intervals) so I just didn't care anymore. It is true, we think people are judging us harshly, when in fact they are more likely to be cheering…
  • Definitely, just walk, plain and simple. Watch this video about how someone started walking and it ended turning into a complete change in his life. It is very inspirational.
  • I haven`t heard of that book, but it sounds interesting. Please let us know if you find it helpful. I have done weight watchers and TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), and I briefly looked into overeaters anonymous once, but after auditing an online meeting, I decided it really wasn`t what I was looking for. Congrats on that…
    in Hello Comment by Farmgirlsy May 2014
  • Enjoyed your post and I relate to the experiences you describe (other than the part of having received advice from ``the sexiest man that has ever consumed oxygen`` - Do you really know Luke Bryan? lol). Anyways, you can do this, good luck with your weight loss journey and your sexy man. Journal, journal, journal and keep…
  • Hi Leanne I am the same way. I eat/snack all the time. Often, I am not hungry, I just want it for the pleasure of the taste. And like jltheis, I eat when I am stressed. In fact, I eat when I am happy, or sad, or sick Lots of times, if I see someone eating something, then I want some too, and will later get some of that. If…
    in Hello Comment by Farmgirlsy May 2014