Good grief, this *kitten* again?!

PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
And again, and again, and again...another try. Who knows where it will lead me this time, but here I be with 100 pounds to get rid of. Not lose, mind you - "losing" makes it sound like I want to find it chance. I want to get rid of this disgusting mess once and for all. No more "cheat days". No more pulling my shirt down 100 times a day or having to pull up my undies/pants because I have more butt in front than I do in back. No more practically getting winded trying to get dressed, wipe my *kitten*, or carry groceries into the house. No more belly hitting first when I hug someone. No more thinking about it about every 30 seconds. No more being embarrassed about my appearance. It's ridiculously stressful to live life like this. I'm 36 ffs and feel twice that. I don't want my back and shoulders to be effed up any more, I don't want to be tired all the time. I don't want to feel like doing nothing.

Anyhoo, before I tangent out entirely, I'll leave it at: I've heard this site/app is the bee's knees so I'm going to give it a shot. I mean, if the sexiest man that has ever consumed oxygen suggests it to me, I have to at least truh-eye. Urgh, ugh, and argh.

Lots of love to you all from NorCal. I'm proud of each and every one of you.


  • Farmgirlsy
    Farmgirlsy Posts: 5
    Enjoyed your post and I relate to the experiences you describe (other than the part of having received advice from ``the sexiest man that has ever consumed oxygen`` - Do you really know Luke Bryan? lol). Anyways, you can do this, good luck with your weight loss journey and your sexy man. Journal, journal, journal and keep your eyes on the prize!