Thanks for the suggestions everyone! Appreciate you taking the time to share. Great ideas. :smile:
To furher help me understand, as I get mixed info on this.... If I have a goal of 1500 calories, when I exercise and it resets my claories, do I eat those calories or keep it at the 1500?
Do you have other recipes for the VItamix you're willing to share. Looking for dressings, mayonnaise. That would be great! Thanks
Love these ideas everyone!! Thanks
Thanks for your kind supports ;)
Thanks for your input!!
What's shred and body pump? Can you share the program name? Thanks of taking the time to share!
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to share. Any others wishing to share? :)
Thanks for your input! :) :) Any others wishing to share?
I appreciate the time folks take to support those of us who have questions or are still learning what's right for us as an individual. While there's no one size fits all, it's helpful to review information and learn what works and feels right.
Staying motivated each day to PLAN-WORKOUT-LOG my foods. It's hard being around foods you love that others are offering. If I plan and prepare my foods each night for work, I do pretty well. Sometimes it's a struggle to stay motivated. Weekends are the toughest and I love to have a cocktail when I want, but too many…
This hs really turned into a very informational listing for all of us seekers. Thanks to all contributing!
I have never been one to eat first thing in the morning either. In fact, the thought of eating upon rising is ill feeling to me. The only times I've ever been able or felt the need to eat early was when I was with child. I eat when I get hungry. On workdays it's a bit earlier, usually 9ish. On the weekend it varies can be…
thanks for the added comments everyone!
Do you only need a phone line to conenct ti IFIT? how do you view the trails, do you have a laptop or IPAD?
Can you buy a HRM anywhere or do you have to find them online?
Thanks everyone for your input.
Thanks evreryone for taking the time to share!
I'm still new,on my 2nd week. Feel free to add me as a friend. I am working on a 30day challenge setting my own goals to motivate change. I have friends who have joined me, you can join us and set your own goals.
This is great information to save for future reference. Thanks for posting/sharing the info!
Thanks so much everyone for the wonderful suggestions and taking the time to reply!!
Thank you!!
thanks everyone, this is great!!
There must be someone out there that worksout to tunes besides me.
This looks delish!! Thanks for taking the time to share this with me!
Thanks for this site. Looks like a lot of good ideas will have to review them
I do LOVE ginger! I will have to check it out
I agree with the pool posting. While no two experiences are the same I too was involved in a car accident and ended up having two surgeries. BUT--I am doing pool fitness at our local YMCA and it's been wonderful.
WOW---thanks everyone for taking the time to share!!