

  • I started ripped in 30 by Jillian 2 weeks ago. I also am gaining weight. I've been eating really well and doing nothing else different. I feel your frustration. I've stopped doing it for now, but someone told me I am just gaining more muscle.
  • Just had my 4th baby in February. Its hard to have the time and motivation. But I have decided that my self esteem is waaaay more important to me than a brownie or cookie. Just keep at it. Remember that you will never be the same after you've had kids, but you can still try to be the best you can be. good luck
  • Start slow. You need to work up your muscles. Start out running one lap for every mile. If you try to do to much to fast you will only hurt yourself in the long run.
  • I say don't do it. Chinese food is not good for you. If you have the self control to say no, you will be really proud of yourself tomorrow, instead of being mad at yourself tomorrow. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter