Cashewtheguineapig Member


  • I've seen videos of incredibly toned girls/women who still say they have a bit of jiggle! we need to stop punishing ourselves for what human bodies naturally look like! I remember how much praise the film Wonderwoman got for not editing out the way the lead actresses thighs shock on impact with the ground, it's kind of…
  • In a similar position, got two little ones at home at the min and have realised that weight management is going to be a life long task, it I eat to hunger I just gain! Great that you’re making progress! Been on this app for a while and just reading the forums but would like to make connections for mutual support!
  • Hi everyone, I’m from Newcastle <3
  • Although I don’t think it’s a binary, I’m definitely more of an introvert. My home is my refuge, although that probably true for almost everyone atm given the current health situation! Would like to connect with others for mutual support and accountability :)
  • I’m 5.2, although I try to convince myself I’m 5.3 for the sake of bmi charts. Used to live in heels but now I’m at peace with it. Just want to work on building muscle so it’s easier to make a calorie deficit! Would like to make friends for motivation!
  • Well done! I’m 5.2 (although I try to convince myself I could be 5.3 if only i had better posture!) took me too long to realise that with lower than average height comes lower calorie needs! Still want to build up muscle so I can afford to eat a bit more!
  • Would like to join if you are making a group, I could use some accountability! going to be 32 this year and want to get back down to my ideal weight ( about 38lbs to go!)
  • Read a diet tip that advised you to use chopsticks whilst snacking so that eating requires more conscious effort. That's probably assuming that you're fairly bad at using them, sure if I tried to use this tip I'd get proficient in no time :)
  • You don't need a guy to tell you you're beautiful! Don't compare your self to others, work out what you like best about yourself and make it rock. Wearing make-up shouldn't be something you feel you have to do to please a man - It should be about the colours you love, the mood your in be it funky, sophisticated,…
  • 1. To be at a healthy weight to have kids. Being at the ideal weight for pregnancy, to be fit enough to deal with the psychical challenges of being a parent and to be a healthy role model. 2. To enjoy making babies! to feel sexy and enjoy being intimate, not to be always trying to control how my partner touches me because…