

  • Good for you! I always love it when I can see the fruit of my labor!!!
  • I completely understand and hope to do the same! For Easter, my mom still made ham and cheesy potatoes but there was also steamed brocolli, asparagus, corn and cut up fresh veggies like carrots, celery, and olives. We also had whole wheat rolls, so not 100% healthy yet but much better than what we would've had in the past!…
  • Can you do lunges and squats? Thats an overall really great workout for the lower body!
  • Heres another vote for Dance Central and Kinect Adventures! I actually do about 30min of both at a time for a good 1hr workout! Lastnight i decided to try working out during Dancing With the Stars. I did about 35min of lunges, squats, push ups, sit ups and 10min of running in place! That gave me an excellent sweaty workout…