

  • you might be losing fat weight and putting on muscle.
  • I am someone who could be percieved as the judgemental type or the "gym rat" but when i see overweight people or people who you know struggle day to day with weight and still go to the gym its kinda inspiring to me because of their me even the gym rats are self conscious :)
  • When im at the gym its my hour and a half to zone out, blast my music and go to work...i have tattoos where people could see them and i cant tell you how many times a guy (always creepers) interupt my reps to tap me on the shoulder and use the cheesy line "im a fan of tatts what do yours say?" Note to dudes if u can hear a…
  • that sounds like a great goal :) good luck!
  • Good fact about water i recently read and loved * 8 glasses is a great goal, because water promotes satiety, prevents heart attacks, builds muscle and stokes your metabolism. The last one especially in the morning, when your body has spent the equivalent of a day in the office without any intake of fluid. German scientists…
    in Water? Comment by MoNiKa2113 April 2011
  • this may be totally strange but i post pics of motivatonal ppl like fitness models out of muscle and fitness mags in places i will see so it continually reminds me of outcome goals sure you could do the same with just a list of your goals..and im in college of course i am faced with wanting to make 2am stops…
  • i know when i make my starbucks stops i always get drinks with expresso shots and soy milk expresso shots are only 10 calories each...and in machiattos they come with 2 so its an easy way to cut cals in the morning...could be the reason urs r less cals
  • idk about hair but i know your skin on average weights 6lbs haha
  • well to each their own..i would say lookup info on both topics and see which one works best for the diet your looking for.
  • All of these things sound great but I would be careful taking in animal fat as a way to get nutrition. Based on a 2000 daily caloric intake you should only consume 20 grams of saturated fats. If you constantly are going over your bodys need for saturated fats the liver can no longer clean the blood of the saturated fats…
  • One thing that is a must is to plan what you eat and how much of it you eat every day. Moderation is key! No one is perfect though so every once in a while treat yourself...If you are having a problem going over your carbs then the best thing to do is to burn extra at the gym the days you feel like splurge eating a couple…