What gym types can't you stand?



  • People who load up the leg machines or bench press with a whole bunch of weight to do one rep and then leave all the weight there. If you can put the weight on the machine, you should clearly be able to take it off. Maybe the one rep got them soo exhausted they couldn't lift another pound, :ohwell:
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Wow. This thread feels kind of mean. No wonder some people are self conscious of going to the gym. Afraid people are judging them and this thread kind of shows people are.

    Somewhere there is a MFP user sitting here reading this thread and saying, "I'm glad I workout at home".

    Yup, that would be me. I used to go to a gym. Never again.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I don't like the people who smell bad.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    I can't stand the silent farters! Everything seems fine then the bomb is dropped out of nowhere and suddenly you are suffocating in a colourless yet lethal mass. Usually this happens in group excercise and I can't tell who the guilty person is because the class is full!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I have belonged to two local gyms. To give you a snapshot of each gym let me just tell you about the parking lot. The old gym had a disproportionate number of yellow sports cars. The new gym is full of mini vans...ironically the fitness level at each is about the same.

    I think it is incredible for anyone to be there and doing thier best...or what they think is their best but I do have a pet peeve and this one dude that annoys me...the pet peeve...a loud squeaky machine ...lots of empty machines that don't squeal with each step and yet the person doesn't change machines.....It makes me crazy...I have moved treadmills when it was wobbly or if I can't see the tv I want...etc...why can't others hear the squeaky one and move...and it does not necessarily mean that the user is heavy...I know that ...some machines need oil...

    Then there is this guy. He aggravates me. I do judo. Sometimes I do uchi komi's which is like form practice or almost like shadow boxing but in my martial art...anyway judo is similar in style to wrestling. I also grew up fully entrenched in the wrestling world. I was doing uchi komi's...in the empty workout class room so not to draw attention to myself and he comes in and tells me what I am doing...ie..that looks a lot like a wizzer...I say perhaps in a way but it is different...tai otoshi...he proceeds to tell me how much he knows about both wrestling and judo and how I should come to his fighting gym...well if he knew anything about what he was talking about he would have noticed what I was doing...arghhh....I hate people who are such know it alls that they are incapable of listening to what is actually going on.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Wow. This thread feels kind of mean. No wonder some people are self conscious of going to the gym. Afraid people are judging them and this thread kind of shows people are.

    Somewhere there is a MFP user sitting here reading this thread and saying, "I'm glad I workout at home".

    Yup, that would be me. I used to go to a gym. Never again.

    While I see what you are saying I want to point out that the things being mentioned are behaviors...rude behaviors...the reason a lot of people don't go to the gym is they assume that others are staring and judging them because of their shape. I have not seen that at all...I don't judge a soul on what they look like or how hard they are working....I don't know anything about them. but if their behavior is rude or upsetting then it doesn't matter what they look like I will notice.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    Wow I love this thread, since I like to bi*ch a lot, so my wife says...lol
    1. I hate the folks that talk/text on the phone at the gym, 2. when people lift about 2Lbs on the machine up and down like its nothing, DO MORE WEIGHT!!! 3. people who sit bare *kitten* on the bench in the steam/locker room, REALLY? 4. women who walk in front of your treadmill and start to bend over and stretch right in front of you then look at you like your a creep, go someplace else if you dont want a guy to look at you not to mention you walked over and did it in front of my treadmill. 5. the groups of guys who you see making fun of others at the gym. 6. most of the front desk people at the gym, real jackoffs, too good to say hi back types. to be continued.... :bigsmile:
  • When im at the gym its my hour and a half to zone out, blast my music and go to work...i have tattoos where people could see them and i cant tell you how many times a guy (always creepers) interupt my reps to tap me on the shoulder and use the cheesy line "im a fan of tatts what do yours say?" Note to dudes if u can hear a girls music from 4 foot away she prolly dosent want ne interuptions especially pick up lines.sowwy.
  • I am someone who could be percieved as the judgemental type or the "gym rat" but when i see overweight people or people who you know struggle day to day with weight and still go to the gym its kinda inspiring to me because of their confidence...trust me even the gym rats are self conscious :)
  • Walking2Lose
    Walking2Lose Posts: 69 Member
    The one's that bother me are the one's that start talking. When I went to the gym tonight I put all my stuff down in the cup holders and was about to start the machine when I noticed and heard two women on two treadmills near me talking...So, I grabbed my stuff and went down to the other end of the machines and use them. Then, not 10 minutes later a guy and girl got next to me and started talking to each other! Geesh!

    That is a pet peeve of mine. Also, when people use their cell phones and start talking. I bring my cell w/ me to gym and have it on silent and I punch in my workout info (miles, laps, cals burned etc) after the workout. Only thing I bring it for basically. I try to bring paper and pen but I usually forget them in car or at home.

    I also, don't like when people don't wipe down machines. If I am using the weight machines and I notice someone before me didn't do it or I didn't see them do it. Then, I will go and wipe it down before I use it and then again after I use it.

    One thing that bothered me today though...this guy that I know has been going there a long time (couple yrs or more)...did something that is not allowed, When you first enter the gym there are signs everywhere telling you to take off your street shoes and put on another pair of sneakers/shoes to work out in. There is even a big sign before you enter the gym area. And this guy came in right after me...And I went over to the chairs to take off my street shoes and put on my workout shoes and I noticed he just walked in...w/ no bag or anything just his keys and headed to mens room and then went to work out....

    That kinda bothers me...but I wont say anything...the gym has cameras everywhere as they have had people do other things that are not allowed LOL...so they will find out. ...

    Knock on wood i haven't run into any "creepers" or "grunters"...But I do tend to look around the gym from time to time and sometimes I feel that guys think I am checking them out...so I try to not look their way more than once...LOL
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    I cant stand people who don't re-rack the weights!
  • Walking2Lose
    Walking2Lose Posts: 69 Member
    I just wanted to add..I am the most uncoordinated person you will ever meet. But I LOVE working out. I take a Zumba class once a week and always mess up at least half of the dances LOL..But I don't care. I am having fun and burning calories and that is all that matters to me..plus most of the women are older than I am and they mess up too!

    I love, love, love going to the gym! I just joined recently (again) and I really like it. Again, I am very uncoordinated and even though I am mostly thin (not bragging, just trying to explain my situation)...I feel self concious when I use the weight machines...but I try to stay focused on me and realize we are all here for the same reason - to better ourselves and get in better shape.

    I love seeing people of all ages and sizes at the gym..it makes me feel how courageous and proud/confident they are and I love it! I think once you get over your fear of the gym you can just go and not think about it. I am like that. I used to not want to go to a gym...but that all changed when I took a chance on me.
  • I was thinking that EXACT same thing! I workout at home...so I never have to deal with this environment daily. I could see how it would get annoying having people want to talk to u all the time though.

    I went to a gym all the time years ago, there was grunters. I thought it was SOO AWESOME because I had really low self-esteem about myself in almost every way. To see people of every size and shape, working out and doing something good for themselves made it a gazillion times easier for me to take in.

    I would think to myself ''All these people here may have gone through hell just to get here!'' It's a good thing they are here.
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    I quite like people watching at the gym, it cracks me up when I see the chick in full hair and make up hop on an eliptical trainer with her large coke (thats right - coke) then text and talk on her phone for the whole time she is there. That takes some co-ordination and I am impressed.
    Mostly I am not bothered by others at the gym....however Mr Stinky and The Turtle just about do my head in. Mr Stinky takes the same morning spin class that I do. It doesnt matter where he sits, in such a small room everyone cops it especially once the fans go on.
    Fortunately I have only come across The Turtle a couple of times. Where I swim there are only 2 lanes for everyone to share. Usually if there are a few of us, the faster people go in one lane and slower in the other. Im not fast enough yet to not get in the way of the fast people so I try to stick to the slower lane. The Turtle is amazing though. He is an old guy. Puts on his mask and snorkle, hops in the water and doesnt take his head out of the water for the next half hour or so. He is SO slow and you cant swim around him.
    I hate to discourage anyone from exercising - especially people who are older because it is so important to keep things moving, but good grief! If it didnt directly effect me I would just have a giggle about him and not give it a second thought. I am restricted by time though so I cant just wait half an hour or so for him to finish and that makes me a little frustrated.
    Out in the world when I am running I cant stand the people who spit or shoot off snot rockets when they are running - GROSS!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    The only ones that bother me are the ones who are busy classifying everyone else as a "type" instead of focusing on their own workout!
  • jjkriv
    jjkriv Posts: 42
    People that get in the way of my workout,I'm there to do work,a simple hi and bye is fine to me,anything that slows my burn is a huge turnoff,I'M sort of a **** when it comes to working out when some1 tries to talk to me at the gym even if it's a beautiful lady,hit me up after,however I am respectful to others that are there to work...
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    What gym types can't >I< stand? -- ALL of ya! :laugh: LOL :)

    I'm not a gym rat... i can stare, grunt and sweat all i want working out at home, but hey, RESPECT to you who DO frequent gyms...thanks for the laughs! Never thought I'd be a runner either so maybe, some day I will find myself there in my short shorts at some gym somewhere along side you... Gotta admit the part about the HooHaws does sound tempting... :love:
  • kimd1974
    kimd1974 Posts: 113
    The high school boys group. They wear the same clothes for days which stink to high heaven and are normally cussing and having inappropriate public conversations. I'll save the best for last- they normally lift as heavy as they can possibly lift (pushing themselves to nausea) and one day one of them puked in the corner and didn't even tell anyone. So gross!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think this thread is hilarious. Everyone is annoying sometimes, and everyone gets annoyed with others sometimes, it's human nature to judge!

    I am probably immensely annoying to other people all the time. I try my hardest not to be, but it's impossible to be liked by everyone.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Uhm you haven't seen a grunter until you've been to my gym. Holly CRAP. This kid can't be more than 18, he sticks his tongue out, makes sex sounds.. yep SEX sounds, not to mention has the worst form on the floor, and you can tell as he walks and everything because his knees bow in, and he's like hunched over.
    I asked if anyone has complained yet, and no one has they said, but everyone stares. My workout buddy laughs LOL, but I try not to look at him. Oh ....it's the absolute worst. The tongue and the noise and EW ha!
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