What gym types can't you stand?



  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Hahahah this topic is making me giggle.

    I personally can't stand going to the gym which is why I love doing INSANITY so much. I don't have to be around the creepers who stare, no one tries to bug me while I am working out (except my doggie), and I don't have to feel pressured or annoyed by anything other than me.

    I sometimes get competitive at the gym, like when a person is running faster than me it makes me want to speed up. I think I AM the annoying one to other people. :) Plus- I don't want to feel like I should run faster or do more reps because other people are killing themselves on the machine. At home I can do my personal best and not deal with anything except my own determination to push myself.

    And the chicks with practically nothing on-go to a beach where your outfit is acceptable. I am sure many more people would appreciate your tatas there.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    There's this man at my gym ( probably in his later 60s) who wears the SHORTEST shorts! I know he probably has netting in there but I always just feel like something going to just hang out...I just don't think it's acceptable for anyone to wear that short of shorts at the gym, especially when you see someones buttcheeks when they're running! Not to mention this man has the gnaliest mustache that he clearly waxes the edges to curl. hillarious, but still grossed out by his short shorts.

    OOOOHH there's one at my gym who looks like he's 80 and he gets on the eliptical in his tiny shorts and commences in attempting to commit suicide on the thing for the next fifteen minutes. then he gets up, moves on to another eliptical leaving behind the gross wet gym towel and a pile of used tissues. it freaks me out to no end.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I love the ones that stare at their muscles in the mirrors or the ones that do a heavy rep and then look around to see who noticed them..
    oh and the puffed up guys that have to walk sideways just to get through doors.. Sightly exaggerated, i think so : )

    dont forget the women that come to the gym practically wearing lingerie and get on the hip abducuter machines.. HELLO..i can see your hooohaw..


    Oh yes! The women who come to the gym with their boobs and butt hanging out. *I* don't want to see it, so put it away. Thanks.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    dont forget the women that come to the gym practically wearing lingerie and get on the hip abducuter machines.. HELLO..i can see your hooohaw..


    Really? I tend to be a fan ;-)
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    dont forget the women that come to the gym practically wearing lingerie and get on the hip abducuter machines.. HELLO..i can see your hooohaw..


    Really? I tend to be a fan ;-)

    The skimpy clothes really seem to irk a lot of people. It just doesn't bother me at all though. If they were wearing it shopping or going to a movie I'd want to throw a blanket over them, but in the gym it just seems different
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I can't stand the cell phone campers. If you want to talk or text on your damn phone, do it out of my way. grrrrrrrrr..... >:)
    Those people texting might be entering their workout details into this site. :D

    Sounds as if I'm extremely lucky at the gym I go to, they have a firm set of service standards for both staff and users, no lechers, nobody standing around and socialising over equipment, no posers, friendly atmosphere, people willing to pair up on machines, it's basically just full of people wanting to get fit and strong.

    In my younger more feisty days, I did work out at a gym that had a lecher and one day I finally snapped, strode over to him, didn't say anything, but pointedly stared at his crotch. He just stood there squirming and going red and saying "What?" "What?" and I said "Just thought you'd like to know how it feels" - he was incredibly embarrassed... I can't imagine myself doing that now, but it was fun at the time LOL!

    Oh, one thing that does irritate me a bit is a guy who has truly appalling form, it makes me cringe just to see him use the machines, and he uses weights so heavy that his arms are waving about all over the shop - far too heavy for him to have any control.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    dont forget the women that come to the gym practically wearing lingerie and get on the hip abducuter machines.. HELLO..i can see your hooohaw..


    Really? I tend to be a fan ;-)

    The skimpy clothes really seem to irk a lot of people. It just doesn't bother me at all though. If they were wearing it shopping or going to a movie I'd want to throw a blanket over them, but in the gym it just seems different

    I agree!

    The type of people who irk me at the gym are the ones who stink badly OR are out of breath and they come up next to you breathing hard on you. I want to literally just push them to the ground when I feel them breathing on me.
  • InMyJeans
    InMyJeans Posts: 87 Member
    LOL! I think all of them were mentioned already. Funny.
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    I love the ones that stare at their muscles in the mirrors or the ones that do a heavy rep and then look around to see who noticed them..
    oh and the puffed up guys that have to walk sideways just to get through doors.. Sightly exaggerated, i think so : )

    dont forget the women that come to the gym practically wearing lingerie and get on the hip abducuter machines.. HELLO..i can see your hooohaw..


    We had one like that the other day all the "guys" were following her around...I could not blame them since she was giving a free show!!!
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    I agree I lift heavy weights but I don't have time to grunt or look to see if other people are watching me...I can not stand the girls and guys that waste time at the gym. Get in the gym handle business then get on with your life...don't slow me down because you lack purpose and coordination just get out of my way.....
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Wow. This thread feels kind of mean. No wonder some people are self conscious of going to the gym. Afraid people are judging them and this thread kind of shows people are.

    Somewhere there is a MFP user sitting here reading this thread and saying, "I'm glad I workout at home".
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    Oh my... where to start.... :bigsmile:

    There is this one woman who comes to the gym early in the AM like me.. I call her Gym Barbie because she wears these tight spandexy looking pants and spandex tank tops that have matching jackets lol. She always tans first then gets on a treadmill... first she turns the tv to the morning news channel I hate lol And when she is on the treadmill she always looks back.. like she thinks I am staring at her or something (I am usually on the arc trainer behind her) But I think she keeps looking back to see what her husband is doing... the gym is small... he can hardly hide and slack off! lol But the worst thing is she NEVER wipes down any machine she uses and this bugs me SO bad!! It is SO GROSS!!

    It also bugs me when people douse themselves in perfume or cologne before coming to the gym... nothing like a mouthful of perfume while you are gasping for air on the treadmill LOL

    ok... that is all my rants for today! :heart:
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    At the gym I go to there are 2 ladies in there mid to late 40's that still believe it is fashionable to wear the 80s spandex thong leatard things. DOUBLE YUCK! Maybe when you were a size 10 or smaller and 20 years ago when everyone else looked like a fool too but seriously this is just NASTY! and the people that comment on other people who are large people just piss me off. If someone weighs 400 or 500 pounds and they are making an effort yo go out in public and go to the gym be proud that they are doing something about the situation they are in. DO NOT MAKE THEM FEEL BAD FOR BEING THERE! They need it more than those people at the gym with bulging muscles and size 2 prissy twits. These are the ones we need to reach out to and offer to work out with them. We are no longer in high school and when grown men and women act like they are 15 years immature, it just infuriates me.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    I figure the people that are there to work out have quirks, as I am sure I do ... goodness I hate to think what they are. Good thing I don't really go to a gym any more huh?

    The ones that annoy me are the ones that are there as 'support' because drinking pop, sitting on machines, chowing candy (or better yet fast food) as your friend works out is sooooo supportive. *face palm*
  • cain777
    cain777 Posts: 19
    Gum smackers and old people who are just there for the Cable TV doing 20 rpm's on the stationary bike.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I guess I'm lucky. My gym has a lot of friendly people who just want to work out. My worst pet peeve are the loud talkers / social club types, but that's a relatively general pet peeve for me everywhere I go, not just the gym.

    About the staring: Sometimes I'm just looking straight ahead and my eyes are sort of tunnel-vision out-of-focus just staring into space. I might *appear* to be looking at you, but really, I'm not looking at anything.
  • I actually admire gym types. They are confident, motivated and determined!
  • lol
  • Gum smackers and old people who are just there for the Cable TV doing 20 rpm's on the stationary bike.
  • rocky03
    rocky03 Posts: 55
    after reading all these complaints, I'm so glad I work out outdoors or at home :wink:
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