mammahawk25 Member


  • I'd love to have some more friends. I just started back after a long lapse. Seems like most of my "friends" have also taken an extended break from MFP, so my feed is awful quiet. Between being a quiet person and having a busy schedule, it's hard for me to always comment, but I think I need to come out of my comfort zone…
  • Sounds like a page out of my book! Starting over myself!
  • Glad I'm not alone ;)
  • Starting back on this journey today after taking the last year off....could use some friends as well!
  • I could have written your post! I lost 30 pounds using mfp starting two years ago. I felt great and thought I would do just fine with "clean eating". I haven't weighed myself since January 1. But I know I've put on ALOT of weight. I'm sad every morning when I go to get dress and nothing fits! I'm pretty miserable. So,…
  • I have always wanted to be a "runner", I officially started running 5 years ago. When I first started it was miserable! I found I couldn't go 10 minutes without completely collapsing. Then took a step back and tried the couch to 5k program. It got me building slowly so I could eventually get to 30 minutes of running. But I…
  • I rotate between two pairs. I originally went to a running store to find out what kind of shoe works for me and I bought my 1st pair from them. Since I have found the kind of shoe I like and know the size, I now go online and get my shoes about 30-40% cheaper than buying them from the running store. I also wait until my…
  • That is pretty impressive! Congratulations on a job well done!
  • Will send a FR. I love running, I'm absolutely no good at it, but love it anyway. Have run several 5ks and someday would like to do a half. In my wildest dreams I would entertain the idea of a marathon. I would LOVE to have more running friends so anyone else here can feel free to add me too!
    in Runners Comment by mammahawk25 July 2014
  • This is a good list here. Thank you! I have been trying to add more protein to my diet. I also don't like to drink my calories and the past week I've tried several different kinds of protein bars and found most all of them disgusting...couldn't choke down more than the first bite. (I did find a couple varieties that I may…
  • Feel free to add me. I run, walk, and bike. Starting to do strength training at home (don't have access to a gym) nothing serious, just basic stuff (squats, planks, push ups, crunches etc...) Oh to eat! mfp says I should only eat 1430 per day to lose weight, so I exercise so I can eat more :happy:
  • These have already been mentioned but I think worth repeating: 1.) LOVE YOURSELF!!! It's really hard to take care of something that you don't love. 2.) EAT! Can you really sustain a diet of 900 cals/day? I've tried and failed...I couldn't enjoy life when I was so hungry all.the.time....find a calorie range that is…
  • B210K is one way to go if you like to continue with run/walk intervals. I enjoyed One Hour Runner after completing C25k, I feel like it picked up where C25k left off. Here's what it looks like: Weeks 1 – 3: Right now you are running 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Your weekly commitment of time is 90 minutes. Continue…
  • Right there with ya! I've done the 1200cal thing and lost some weight, but I came to the conclusion that being thin is so not worth the misery I was putting myself through. This time round I aim to eat until satisfied and make it work into my calories. I quickly realized that I need 1600-1800 cals to stay sane. MFP "gives"…
  • A GPS watch works nicely for that. But I also use endomondo app on my phone occasionally. It will tell you how fast you are going at each mile.
  • I prefer to run as soon as I get up in the morning and eat breakfast afterward. I don't like the feel of food in my stomach when I run. On the rare occasion I may have a banana or something.
  • MFP has already calculated a deficit for you. Any exercise you do just adds to that deficit. Some people don't like to eat their calories back because it creates a bigger deficit which leads to quicker weight loss (in theory). Personally, I like to think of exercise as a way of earning more calories to eat :tongue: Some…
  • Count me in Rach! (I'm going to try and PM you later this weekend)
  • Completely understand :D Friend request sent.