really need support!

Hi everyone. I am looking for some people ..( heck I would be happy with just one person) who is in the same boat I am. I am in my 40's and I am having a hell of a time sticking to eating properly and exercise. I am great for 2 or 3 weeks then suddenly I am craving something (usually ice cream or chocolate) and it turns into a 3-4-5 week regular thing where that's all I eat is junk food and stop exercising because I figure why exercise if I'm not watching my diet? I do well all day, very well it's usually around my kids bedtime (8PM) when I suddenly have cravings. I am looking for someone else who can maybe email or message or text who is struggling with the same problem so we can keep each other in check. I will do the same.

It's not that in those 2 or 3 weeks that I am starving or depriving myself by the way, not even close! I am just eating proper and nutritous calories and when/if I want a sweet (while I'm sticking to my proper diet) , I'll reach for a sugar free 60 calorie chocolate jello pudding and 2 tbsp lite cool whip and that usually keeps me satisfied for my sugar craving.... I actually sleep better when I eat better and exercise, I feel great.. and when I overeat I feel horrible! I don't sleep well, I'm irritable.. etc.,

I'm sure it's psychological, it's almost like self-punishment or something.. anyway, if anyone is on board or serious about losing weight and can help keep me in check and I can help you.. then please add me and we can talk! Thanks :)


  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    i would love to be a support to you i check in daily i also go though the same thing .we can do this
  • CatWhispererrrr
    CatWhispererrrr Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! I have gone through the exact same thing! I found that it's much easier to stay on track by doing 2 things - 1) If you are craving sweets like chocolate, have it! Just dont eat 12 cookies, have 1 or 2. I think the more you try and replace the things you really want, with half as good substitutions is where you can get into trouble, because you end up eating more trying to fill that craving. I personally LOVE chocolate, but I do not keep anything in my house like chocolate bars, cookies, ice cream ect, but I do keep bakers dozen semi sweet chocolate. I find one small piece curbs my craving nicely, and i have some almost daily! If I want Pizza, I get a slice of Pizza, and just make sure it fits in my calories for the day! Or else I will go mad and just binge out on all the chocolate and pizza in one day, and be down on myself for a week.

    2) Find an activity you like, and go with that! Try everything and when you find the one you love, you will want to do it! I personally enjoy mixing things up, in the gym, i take different classes, go for walks/jogs with my family and friends. I think you are right about it being a psychological thing, because if you think of it as a chore, it will be. If you think its fun, it will be!

    Good luck!!!!
  • DrGM42
    DrGM42 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I was on here a few years ago and did great. Then I gave into cravings, especially at night and that threw everything off. Now I keep trying to get back on the journey, but I'll keep it up for a few weeks then something will happen and I've fallen off. For me it's not chocolate but salty snacks ... salty carbie snacks. When the going gets rough (bad day), I binge, don't log, get discouraged, disappear, then come back. I am changing what I'm doing this time around. I'm working out more so that I can motivate myself into no undoing what I'm working on.

    If your looking for more support from someone who understands, feel free to add me.
  • mammahawk25
    mammahawk25 Posts: 39 Member
    Completely understand :D Friend request sent.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Ugh, yes, the 8PM "kids are in bed" munchies hitting! I can totally relate! I'll send a FR shortly here, too, so we can share and be motivated together. I find the best plan so far is pre-logging my "evening" treat. So far it's been my Slim Fast shake blended with coffee and ice (yummy, fulfills my desire for a iced coffee drink). I never found "fat free" or "sugar free" candies or puddings helped me one, single bit (tastes so gross to me--of course, YMMV). The best plan is to work in moderate or small servings of your favorites.

    Heck, I've had bacon and eggs and hash brown breakfast, but kept it moderate, and it fit right in my daily goals well (oh, happy happy bacon, lol). Today was chips and egg salad sandwiches for dinner (oh, too hot and muggy for cooking tonight). My diary is public (good, bad, and ugly, I faithfully log it ALL), and you can see my calories and macros are met with "normal" foods that I like to eat.