

  • The most calorie dense real food - fast food choices are generally empty calories, not good for meaningful calorie increase. Chocolate covered pecan halves, or just he halves by themselves if you don't like chocolate or have issues with such. Also grains, such as corn, breads, including bagels, white breads, and pasta;…
  • Barely 29 Although my father tells me I have the experience of a 40 yearyear old.
  • Wish I could help here, I can't handle lots of spicy foods.
  • No, they eat what I make. It just turns out what I make is very good so there are no complaints. My father is deathly alergic to cheese so he is an exception.
  • When you do exercise, do you exercise long enough to break a sweat? Breaking a sweat is important because it increases heart rate which increases calorie burning. If you meet your calorie goal and workout long enough to break a sweat then you should still loose weight, mind you it probably won't be as much as you would…
  • I tend to stay away from aspartame infused drinks 1) because they taste bad 2) aspartame poisoning is a real problem especially for people that drink a lot of it. http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-information.html…