

  • I'm a fan of whatever works best for the individual guy. I've dated guys with full beards and others with baby faces. The Hubs keeps things fairly short to clean shaven, depending on how he's feeling. He can never get past the super itchy point to allow it to grow out, even though I've encouraged him to give it a try (I…
  • The biggest thing that I've found with getting stuck is not changing up your exercise. If you've hit a plateau, try changing up your treadmill walk to a faster speed or add some incline. If you can't add incline, add some arm weights (even a couple of large cans of soup or full water bottles, if you don't have 3-5 lb…
  • The easiest thing you can do... if the ingredient list contains more than 10 ingredients, and you can't pronounce some of them, don't eat it. If you know what they all are (i.e. they're all recognizable foods/spices), you're probably good! If the app helps, great! Truly good, clean foods will contain a half dozen…
  • @ileenegilkins I'm looking for some friends on the forum as well. I'm working on starting a family with the hubs (we've been married less than a year) and I'm trying to get healthy so pregnancy is easier on my body, and so the babes get adequate nutrition while incubating! I also want to be able to set a good example for…
  • Advocare is all chemicals. Try to avoid, please, if you can. I know it works for some, and I tried it because I had friends and family that had success. I have to agree, I loved the Spark drinks, but everything else was gross and tasted like chems. Stick with the clean eating portion of it, and make your own smoothies and…
  • I struggle with the same thing. Some people swear by checking the end (where the stem was), I found that didn't work for me at all. The only thing that does is to by them when they're purple but still solid feeling, and to eat them the MOMENT that they have some give. One day longer and they're overripe (and make me gag…
  • I just started my second Whole 30. I, like most people, have to do a reset on the Whole 30 occasionally, as I let myself get out of whack. I started eating horribly again (pizza is like crack), and started gaining back some of the weight I lost. Impressively, it's been 6 months since my first whole 30, so if I can keep it…