Advocare 24 day Challenge



  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    So I'm beyond irritated. A little background, I went on the Paleo lifestyle last year and lost 30 pounds before plateauing in July. I kinda fell off the bandwagon a little bit too and started eating candy and breads/grains. So I actually gained 3 pounds back. Someone introduced me to Advocare after my vacation in April and I was a skeptic. Especially since I usually eat pretty clean anyway. But, after seeing so many people on my Facebook feed have success, I thought what the heck, maybe it will work. Well let me tell you, I only have 7 more days and I've lost only 4 pounds. My body can't handle as much food as the portion sizes recommend and my body definitely can't handle so many carbs. Perhaps, it should tell you recommended portion sizes but eat only until you feel full. No need to stuff yourself.

    I've learned a lot from doing this challenge. Like how to balance out what you eat (ie...if you want cheese, then also eat an apple). And I've also learned how to keep myself full so that I don't crave chips, candy, soda, cake, ice cream, etc. I know that for the remaining 7 days, I'm not going to eat nearly as much so maybe I'll feel better and actually have that energy that everyone talks about having once I'm not drowning myself in food.

    I signed on to be a distributor through Advocare and this is one coaching tool that I will tell people (once I have someone on the challenge with me). I really do believe that Advocare can work. You just have to listen to your body talking to you.

    PS - I do love me some Spark!

    How tall are you and did you take before pictures? I only lost 5lbs during my first challenge and was so discouraged because you always hear about people losing 10+ lbs and everything. BUT when I compared my before and after pictures side by side (my profile pic) there is a HUGE difference. The scale, and even measurements, don't show the whole story sometimes. I'm only 5'1" so 5lbs is a big and noticeable difference on me. Perhaps you have better results than you think you do.
  • linztx
    linztx Posts: 101 Member
    I am on Day 4 of the challenge; so far - so good! Not getting on the scale until day 11!
  • So I quit the challenge. Found out the products have maltodextrin (which may or may not be processed with wheat). And I can't believe I couldn't taste the artificial sweeteners that the drinks had. No wonder I've had headaches and stomachaches. I'm intolerant to gluten & artificial sweeteners.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    So I quit the challenge. Found out the products have maltodextrin (which may or may not be processed with wheat). And I can't believe I couldn't taste the artificial sweeteners that the drinks had. No wonder I've had headaches and stomachaches. I'm intolerant to gluten & artificial sweeteners.

    Contact customer service at 1-800-542-4800. You may be able to get a refund.
  • Id have to agree with you. I'm on the challenge now. And it gives you food choices that you're supposed to eat anyway. It's considered clean eating. For example, it gives you cauliflower as an eating option, I make cauliflower "mashed potatoes." I have more energy to get through my workouts and when I'm finished I'm not dog tired and can complete other tasks. I enjoy it. The cleanse drink is disgusting, but it has flushed me out. I love the challenge this far. I'm in 3 days.
  • kanona_42
    kanona_42 Posts: 8
    Advocare is all chemicals. Try to avoid, please, if you can. I know it works for some, and I tried it because I had friends and family that had success.

    I have to agree, I loved the Spark drinks, but everything else was gross and tasted like chems. Stick with the clean eating portion of it, and make your own smoothies and meals - you'll be rewarded in a similar way, but without abusing your body, and you'll save a TON of money.
  • Motofan81
    Motofan81 Posts: 16 Member
    I am gonna echo a lot of the same. Worked for me, I did it right at the beginning of my weight loss, lost about 20lbs but I think I could have done it without it. I guess it did help in that it was so expensive that I stuck too it so as not to waste the money, haha.

    Just get in the gym and eat right and you will probably lose just as much when you are starting from the weight I was at (and that so much of the initial loss is water weight anyway).
  • I completed the challenge and lost 14 lbs. I'm still losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time. I liked the products so much I became a distributor.
  • jayney55555
    jayney55555 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on day 8 and have not lost any weight, but have gained. I work out (insanity) for an hour everyday. I also am very active and eat VERY healthy and small portions.

    I am not sure if anyone else is having this problem. I am thinking I might go see a nutritionist or something. I have been following the eating guidelines to a T, and have always been a very healthy eater.

    Not sure what else to do.

    Thank you!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I completed the challenge and lost 14 lbs. I'm still losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time. I liked the products so much I became a distributor.

    I can guarantee you, that you are not losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time. The only people who can do that are morbidly obese people, and newbies to weight training and even then it tops out at a few lbs of muscle growth. Fat loss required a deficit and muscle growth (not just strength gains they you are achieve) requires a surplus of calories. You need additional energy for growth.
  • Joy_Ryder
    Joy_Ryder Posts: 21
    I guess I'm confused here - why do you need to take these supplements if what you're doing is eating healthy? I've lost weight by just cutting back on carbs and sugar and didn't take any supplements ... just seems like a waste of money to me?
  • Sad to find out Advocare is a multi-level marketing company (AKA Pyramid scheme). Would have definitely tried out their products had they not been one of the many slime ball companies who can't just sell products like normal, but instead prey on people with empty promises of wealth.
  • TLS8187
    TLS8187 Posts: 1
    It pains me to see that people truly believe AdvoCare is a pyramid scheme! AdvoCare has changed so many lives and has been around for over 20 years!


    Let me explain...

    A pyramid scheme is a business in which the primary source of income to a company or person is made not through products sold, but by recruiting and signing new people.

    AdvoCare and it's distributors make almost all of their money from product sales.

    In fact, it only cost $79 to become a distributor with AdvoCare (and even then you get $50 worth of product!), and there are NO sales requirements after that. A person can literally spend just $79 to start their Advocare business.

    AdvoCare IS a Multi-level marketing company. Other companies who use this model are Mary Kay, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Thirty-One, etc.

    We use a direct sales method, (aka, network marketing), which allows independent distributors to earn larger incomes rather having a large corporate model that makes all the money. In other words, money is going into the pockets of those actually selling the product instead of into buildings, employees, and other kinds of overhead.

    I actually LOVE this because it gives me the opportunity to decide how much money I make, instead of a manager or boss. If I want to work full time hours and get paid $10,000 a month, then I CAN! But if I only want to work a couple hours a week and make $1,000 a month, I can do that, too!

    Another thing to remember is that pyramid schemes are against the law! AdvoCare has been around for over 20 years! If it were a pyramid scheme, it wouldn't still be around and it certainly wouldn't be so successful. Plus, I'm sure Drew Brees, Mike Nugent, Colt McCoy and other professional athletes wouldn't be associated, much less OFFICIAL ENDORSERS of the products.

    It boils down to this. With AdvoCare, you get out of it what you put in. I personally know distributors that are making over $80,000.00 a year with AdvoCare after their first year of business. It is not one of those, sit on your couch and watch TV while the money just rolls in, kind of businesses! We as distributors work very hard and take our jobs very seriously. I can guarantee you that I would not be involved with something that does take time away from my baby boy if I did not believe in the business. He is my reason for becoming a he can have an EXTRAORDINARY life!
  • I'm an AdvoCare believer! I use it, and I have lost 20lbs using it along with healthy eating and working out 4-5 times a week. It has helped me become a healthier person! I love it, and it works for me.

    Love AdvoCare, and its products!! ;)
  • kaitlinrowe
    kaitlinrowe Posts: 4 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm on day 8 of the 24 Day Challenge and I'm stuck. I ran the Tough Mudder on Saturday and I'm really proud of myself! I love this challenge. I'm eating so much healthier, and feeling incredible. The pounds, however, aren't coming off. I think I've been gaining a lot of muscle weight, and I still may be retaining water from TM. I just really need a partner to talk me through this challenge! I have 14 days left and I'm still really excited about the challenge. I definitely recommend it, regardless of the lack of pounds lost for me, I feel incredible. If anyone is looking for a motivation buddy (maybe someone in the same situation, college age and trying to be healthier!) let me know, it's best to not do this challenge alone!!
  • jbarker66
    jbarker66 Posts: 5
    I've never posted before, but am in a pretty rough spot with my weight loss journey. I had weighed 333lbs, and lost 103lbs doing Weight Watchers, I think it was called the "Momentum plan", over the course of eight months. I was feeling better than I'd ever felt, and was finally starting to feel good about myself. Unfortunately I gained that all back and then some. I was up to 350lbs, and started MFP. I've been hovering around 310-290 for the last few months, a cause of my complete lack of dedication. I've just not been able to get over that mental hump like I did before. A coworker of mine did this, and lost 26lbs in the 24 days, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm going to start on Sunday, weighing in and taking measurements Saturday night. If you guys want an honest opinion, from someone who has never been a distributor, and has no financial stake in it I'd be happy to provide an honest log of my experience, which will hopefully be the successful jump start I need to get back into the game.
  • Advocare is awesome. Started at 248 and down to 227 right now. Feel and look great! If you are doing Advocare and aren't losing weight and inches, well, you are doing it correctly. Most people say they follow it strictly, but the truth is most people still cheat. Whether its, eating late, a pinch here/pinch there..they cheat. If you cheat, you WILL NOT LOSE what you think you should. Drinking water is the key as well. The cleanse stage is the biggest weight loss but the inches will fall off during the phase stage. Great choice for me but you have to be willing to stay focused and see the diet through. After the 6-7th day, it really is a lifestyle change. Good luck and Go Advocare.
  • kelli120768
    kelli120768 Posts: 3 Member
    I personally have struggled my whole adult life with obesity and have tried every diet plan, magic diet pills and going faithfully to the gym and nothing has ever worked for me like Advocare. This coming Friday will be my one year Anniversary on Advocare products and as of today I am down 99 pounds. I am just one pound away from the one year goal I set for myself. Advocare has changed my life. Going from a womans size 26 down to misses 14s has been an incredible one year journey. Advocare is amazing!
  • sarahxenos
    sarahxenos Posts: 1 Member
    Hey!! So I will be starting my 10day cleanse tomorrow and have a question. How many calories am I supposed o eat daily? I do no want to eat too few calories and put myself in starvation mode. Also, besides for the three meal suggestions listed in the booklet it doesn't talk about healthy snacks. Any suggestions?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Hey!! So I will be starting my 10day cleanse tomorrow and have a question. How many calories am I supposed o eat daily? I do no want to eat too few calories and put myself in starvation mode. Also, besides for the three meal suggestions listed in the booklet it doesn't talk about healthy snacks. Any suggestions?

    don't waste your time.