Advocare 24 day Challenge



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I eat the exact same thing pretty much as the diet that goes with the 10 day cleanse but I have bowel problems so prob once a year I do the 10 day cleanse because it helps me really get toxins out. And please dont tell me to add fiber to my diet because Ive done it all and been to doctors for it. It isnt a miracle plan but it helps some people in diff ways. I dont NEED it to lose weight but everyonce in a while Im so backed up It makes me feel better. Sorry If TMI , Im just trying to make a point that people take it for diff reasons, I will also say I love the spark drinks but after a while they make my teeth hurt. Im just all jacked up lol. Anyways, everyone has ways to help them with there weightloss and if you think its a cult or a scam, maybe it works for someone else. People are so quick to judge other people when they have never walked a day in there shoes... :tongue:

    I'd be willing to bed you need more fat in your diet.
  • LauramarieRoberts
    I'm starting my cleanse using Advocare myself starting tomorrow! Very excited! I have two friends who I noticed it work on!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'm starting my cleanse using Advocare myself starting tomorrow! Very excited! I have two friends who I noticed it work on!
    what did it cleanse your friends of?
  • waterboat1956
    I have not done the Cleanse, but I had a very strange interaction with a new oral surgeon my dentist sent me to. He was super professional and very caring; we talked about all my health challenges, obesity being one of them.

    Then he gave me some literature and sent me a follow-up email regarding Advocare.

    I was a little taken aback because it seemed like some kind of multi-level marketing scheme, and I thought it was weird that a oral surgeon would be pushing this at his own practice - mind you, he was cool about it and very low key.

    Does anybody know if this is a multi-level marketing program - like Nu Skin?

    Now. To the diet itself. I am convinced that any program that includes proprietary "food" mixes, shakes, and the like is not only bound to fail in the end, it actually is dangerous. I've lost the same 35-40 pounds about 10 times during my adult life, and each time I put on even more weight.

    My base weight used to be 175 (I'm 6' 4"), then I broke 200 in college, inched up to 225 by my 30's, 260 in my 40's, and now, at the age of 57 (tell me about the rabbits, George!), my base weight is a very disappointing 310.

    Yes. 310. For me, it's all about my relationship to food, especially sugar. I have found it takes more than counting calories to shed the pounds and to keep them off.

    Plus, Big Food has extra calories EVERYWHERE! I'm old enough to remember being able to only buy gas at a gas station. Now gas stations are almost as big as real grocery stores and they are filled to the brim with addictive "Food-Like" products that get us hooked.

    Reading Michael Palin's books, especially, "In Defense of Food" really opened my eyes up to all of this.

    Good Luck with your journey!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Does anybody know if this is a multi-level marketing program - like Nu Skin?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Most people have no problem losing weight on a variety of "diets." I'm not surprised to see people claiming great results. The problem is keeping it off. How does this stuff work for long-term (the rest of your life) kind of maintenance? Anyone with long-term experience here...?

    (This is just out of curiosity. I'm already at goal weight and have maintained just fine for years without any kind of supplements or other products.)
  • kelligillis
    kelligillis Posts: 1 Member
    I've been lurking here for awhile. There seems to be a lot of hate in here. I thought this was a place to encourage one another. There's no need to try to beat your opinion onto somebody else. Some people think Advocare is a marketing scheme. Some people think it's the best thing since sliced bread. It doesn't matter, I don't think. You've said your peace. No need to argue it more. It's not helpful or encouraging to anybody.

    I tried clean eating and exercising. It wasn't bad but by the 3rd day of major cravings, I caved. I had no willpower. I tried Advocare. It's expensive, in my opinion. And maybe that's why I've kept with it. I can't afford to give into my cravings when I've just spent $150 on this. I've lost 13.8 pounds and 9.5 inches off my waist in the first 20 days of the 24 day challenge. I feel better all around. Before.. without Advocare, I never made it long enough to see how much better I could feel. I did not have enough willpower. Advocare has held me accountable for every bite I put into my mouth. Maybe I could have done this without Advocare. Bottom line is it has got me off to a much better start than I've ever had before.

    It's pretty common sense that there is NO miracle pill or drink out there to make you lose weight. We didn't gain the weight over night and we're not going to lose it overnight either. You have to be determined to make it work. You have to want it more than anything else. It's a lifestyle change. Who cares if I spent $150 on Advocare if it gets me where I want to be? If you can do it without, all the power to you! That's wonderful! But whether it's all in my head or not, this is working for me. Stop trying to make people feel bad about themselves because they couldn't lose weight the way you can.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've been lurking here for awhile. There seems to be a lot of hate in here. I thought this was a place to encourage one another. There's no need to try to beat your opinion onto somebody else. Some people think Advocare is a marketing scheme. Some people think it's the best thing since sliced bread. It doesn't matter, I don't think. You've said your peace. No need to argue it more. It's not helpful or encouraging to anybody.

    I tried clean eating and exercising. It wasn't bad but by the 3rd day of major cravings, I caved. I had no willpower. I tried Advocare. It's expensive, in my opinion. And maybe that's why I've kept with it. I can't afford to give into my cravings when I've just spent $150 on this. I've lost 13.8 pounds and 9.5 inches off my waist in the first 20 days of the 24 day challenge. I feel better all around. Before.. without Advocare, I never made it long enough to see how much better I could feel. I did not have enough willpower. Advocare has held me accountable for every bite I put into my mouth. Maybe I could have done this without Advocare. Bottom line is it has got me off to a much better start than I've ever had before.

    It's pretty common sense that there is NO miracle pill or drink out there to make you lose weight. We didn't gain the weight over night and we're not going to lose it overnight either. You have to be determined to make it work. You have to want it more than anything else. It's a lifestyle change. Who cares if I spent $150 on Advocare if it gets me where I want to be? If you can do it without, all the power to you! That's wonderful! But whether it's all in my head or not, this is working for me. Stop trying to make people feel bad about themselves because they couldn't lose weight the way you can.

    I personally am not trying to make people feel bad about using it. It's an unnecessary product, and it doesn't help lose weight. I'm just pointing out that simple fact. It's your business if you want to throw $150 away on something you don't need. I'd rather spend it on food. Like I said before, anyone can lose weight on 1100 calories of lean meats and vegetables, but most weight lost during the 24 Day Challenge is water weight. It doesn't teach you how to eat long-term.

    I'm more than encouraging when it's appropriate. Why would I encourage someonely blindly? I would never encourage anyone to eat 1100 calories, and I wouldn't encourage anyone to do a challenge where the first 10 days you can't exercise. Sounds like there's a risk involved.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Holly, from what I have seen of you in this post I think I would prefer to avoid your "encouragement.'' Your comments, and several other people's, are less than encouraging. Rather than watching this post and stating things to make people feel bad for trying something different; why don't you find a post about something you can actually offer real encouragement for? I have not used Advocare, I do not sell Advocare and I also don't spend my free time trying to hurt people's feelings. I stumbled upon this post and to be honest the LACK of help from a lot of you in here has made me realize that I won't be posting on any forum on My Fitness Pal if I am wanting advice, support or, as you phrased it, your encouragement.

    Strong first post.

    I comment on this thread because I know what Advocare is, and I know what the Advocare challenge is. The first ten days of it is eating lean meats and vegetables in portions that equal to approximately 1100 calories a day. Because of that, exercise is forbidden. Wouldn't want you to pass out from not eating enough, would they? After that, you can eat some other stuff and exercise, but you're still netting around 1100 calories. So again, why would I blindly encourage somebody to try this? Of course you're going to lose weight doing it, but that's not all fat loss. It's fat loss, muscle loss, and mostly water loss.

    I discourage people from trying it for two reasons.

    1) It builds a false premise of what a person needs to do to lose weight. I have several friends that have done the Advocare 24 day challenge, lost weight, and then gained some or all of it back. They beat themselves up because they don't have the will power to keep eating the way they did in the challenge. They love the Advocare products and challenge because "it worked" for however long the challenge was, but they blame themselves for not keeping the weight off. A good program would not be designed this way.

    2) The products are unnecessary. Even if one was to argue that 1100 calories was safe, you don't have to buy the products to do that. You could eat 1100 calories a day on your own and save yourself $150. I am of the mind that if you spend that much money on a product, you will WANT to believe it helped you. It's called confirmation bias and placebo affect. Just because you took Advocare products while losing weight does not mean it was the reason you lost weight (or felt better, had more energy, etc.). Correlation does not equal causation.

    People are going to do whatever they want, though. Like I said before, it doesn't bother me any if someone wants to throw their money away. I took a different approach at weight loss by looking at the successful people on here and doing what they do, and Advocare (and similar products) are not it.
  • linzee1211
    I am about to start my advocare challenege and I am a little confused. Do you always have to have a complex carb with breakfast in the first 10 days?
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I am about to start my advocare challenege and I am a little confused. Do you always have to have a complex carb with breakfast in the first 10 days?

    Honestly, for my cleanse breakfast I counted my fruit as my complex carb. I ate two hard boiled eggs (whole eggs, not just egg whites), and a banana for breakfast.

    I'd stick to the guide as closely as possible. Especially if you like oatmeal or make a big batch of something with beans or quinoa and eat that for breakfast.

    Feel free to add me or message me for support!
  • TonyandMichelleWilson
    Wow. And just wow. I've been a member of MFP off and on for a while. I exercise regularly, and like most on here, have lost and gained the same 10-15lbs for the last 10 years. Anyway, I'm fairly fit, just have that 40+ metabolism to deal with along with the aches and pains of joints and other ailments. My friend, who was on the Advocare bandwagon over a year ago, did well and continues to maintain. I decided since I have such a struggle with reeling in my eating habits to go ahead and do the 24 day challenge since I knew I could just call her and she would get me the kit with a discount. I decided to "try out" the eating plan for a week before I started. Looks pretty simple and unlike what one of the previous posters had wrote, it doesn't mention anywhere that you are NOT to exercise OR how many calories to eat. I have read the material that came with it and the follow up emailed material that was sent to me after I registered. Matter of fact, the booklet even has a place to write all my physcial activity, even in the 1st 10 days. Not sure where all that came from. Just from reading all the material, it is your standard, portion control, eat every 3-4 hours, balanced diet. I already take vitimins, supplements, etc so changing to their brand isn't a big deal to me (at least for now, we will see once I start taking them). Yes, there is an expense, but hey, so are many other programs to "help" you so that is your personal choice. I think that a more productive thing for this kind of topic, would be to post IF you have tried it, your experience, OR to post if you have questions. If you haven't tried it, or you are not interested in trying it, why do you feel you need to post an opinion? Aren't there enough threads around that might actually relate to your experiences? If the topic was "Write your opinion on why you think this isn't a good option no matter if you have tried it our not" then you would be fitting right in. I see this on a lot of social media, people just think they have to express their expert opinion, when in truth they are not an expert. If you do it with eating clean and exercise, great post on all the threads that want to hear all about your sucesses or failures regarding that. I think that one of the things that overweight people have in common is problems with self esteem. And, it seems, even if it isn't your intention, people posting on a topic that they have not personally experienced themselves only to be discouraging or judgemental, is only adding to the problem. Good grief folks, get over yourself! If you are proud about how you have lost, maintained, or gained without the use of Advocare, then start your own tread about that and leave this one to those that actually have some experience (good or bad) with the product. And, to those that think they can "save the world" by keep people from making a mistake or wasting their money on a product (that they haven't ever tried themselves) please, just let us live in our ignorant bliss that we might have actually stumbled upon something that just might make a difference. We promise to not hold you accountable for our grave mistakes and I am sure no one else will blame you either. Sorry but I just couldn't help myself. Signed, Get over yourselves.
  • sara156
    sara156 Posts: 19
    I bought the cleanse about two weeks ago from a friend that had great results from the full 24 day challenge. However, I think it was more of an overall lifestyle change for her since she basically started working out and eating right all at the same time she started the program. I bought the 10 day cleanse since I was skeptical about spending nearly $200 up front. Luckily, I only wasted about $65. Something in the pills made me so sick to my stomach when I woke up in the morning that I had to stop at day 6. I took the supplements as I was supposed to on the guide, and I didn't lose any weight during those days. I think that advocare has an appeal because the success stories make people believe that some supplements can make you lose fat and gain muscle. I think hard work is the better (and cheaper) way to go.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I bought the cleanse about two weeks ago from a friend that had great results from the full 24 day challenge. However, I think it was more of an overall lifestyle change for her since she basically started working out and eating right all at the same time she started the program. I bought the 10 day cleanse since I was skeptical about spending nearly $200 up front. Luckily, I only wasted about $65. Something in the pills made me so sick to my stomach when I woke up in the morning that I had to stop at day 6. I took the supplements as I was supposed to on the guide, and I didn't lose any weight during those days. I think that advocare has an appeal because the success stories make people believe that some supplements can make you lose fat and gain muscle. I think hard work is the better (and cheaper) way to go.

    Different strokes for different folks. Some things work for one person but not others. I had no issues taking the pills. Nothing I took on the challenge made me feel sick at all. I felt great. I actually wish I were still on it. Something about the "challenge" and the money spent helped keep me motivated and helped my will power. I know that's a mental hurdle for me and that I probably could do this without a challenge but I'm not there mentally, yet.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Wow. And just wow. I've been a member of MFP off and on for a while. I exercise regularly, and like most on here, have lost and gained the same 10-15lbs for the last 10 years. Anyway, I'm fairly fit, just have that 40+ metabolism to deal with along with the aches and pains of joints and other ailments. My friend, who was on the Advocare bandwagon over a year ago, did well and continues to maintain. I decided since I have such a struggle with reeling in my eating habits to go ahead and do the 24 day challenge since I knew I could just call her and she would get me the kit with a discount. I decided to "try out" the eating plan for a week before I started. Looks pretty simple and unlike what one of the previous posters had wrote, it doesn't mention anywhere that you are NOT to exercise OR how many calories to eat. I have read the material that came with it and the follow up emailed material that was sent to me after I registered. Matter of fact, the booklet even has a place to write all my physcial activity, even in the 1st 10 days. Not sure where all that came from. Just from reading all the material, it is your standard, portion control, eat every 3-4 hours, balanced diet. I already take vitimins, supplements, etc so changing to their brand isn't a big deal to me (at least for now, we will see once I start taking them). Yes, there is an expense, but hey, so are many other programs to "help" you so that is your personal choice. I think that a more productive thing for this kind of topic, would be to post IF you have tried it, your experience, OR to post if you have questions. If you haven't tried it, or you are not interested in trying it, why do you feel you need to post an opinion? Aren't there enough threads around that might actually relate to your experiences? If the topic was "Write your opinion on why you think this isn't a good option no matter if you have tried it our not" then you would be fitting right in. I see this on a lot of social media, people just think they have to express their expert opinion, when in truth they are not an expert. If you do it with eating clean and exercise, great post on all the threads that want to hear all about your sucesses or failures regarding that. I think that one of the things that overweight people have in common is problems with self esteem. And, it seems, even if it isn't your intention, people posting on a topic that they have not personally experienced themselves only to be discouraging or judgemental, is only adding to the problem. Good grief folks, get over yourself! If you are proud about how you have lost, maintained, or gained without the use of Advocare, then start your own tread about that and leave this one to those that actually have some experience (good or bad) with the product. And, to those that think they can "save the world" by keep people from making a mistake or wasting their money on a product (that they haven't ever tried themselves) please, just let us live in our ignorant bliss that we might have actually stumbled upon something that just might make a difference. We promise to not hold you accountable for our grave mistakes and I am sure no one else will blame you either. Sorry but I just couldn't help myself. Signed, Get over yourselves.

    I just thought I'd come back and address these points.

    1) You're right, the actual program does not mention to not exercise or only eat such-n-such calories. A couple of people I know who sell Advocare have tried to get me to do this challenge, though, and they both mentioned that during the "cleanse phase" exercise is not recommended. I know several people on MFP that have done the challenge, and when they are doing the first ten days, their daily diaries consistently add up to less than 1200 calories--men and women. After I viewed the diet plan, it was easy for me to see why.

    2) As far as your rules for posting on this topic, it is a public forum, and anybody can post their opinion on it. If that is not desired, I am sure a group would be more to your liking. In fact, I'm fairly certain there is already an Advocare group. But since you mentioned it, I have not done the 24 day challenge, but I have tried Advocare products in the form of free samples.

    3) I have seen many people do the challenge though, and when they gain weight after they go back to regular eating, they blame themselves for not adhering to the diet past the 24 days. This is a cycle I'd like to see broken. You mention self-esteem, and yet, I don't see how the situation I just described helps that at all.

    4) I'm not sure when "judgemental" became a bad thing, but yes, I am judgemental about this diet. Making a judgement about it means making an informed decision based on evidence, facts, and observations. That's all I'm doing. You don't have to like it.

    5) I have started a thread about my own success, so I'm one step ahead of you. But once again, I will say that this is a public forum, and if you don't like what is said, feel free to join a group where you can filter responses. If I was to ask about the success of a certain diet or product, though, you can bet I will want unbiased responses from all.

    6) As far as the last bolded statement goes, trust me, my conscience is clear. People won't blame me if Advocare fails them. They won't even blame Advocare. They'll blame themselves. That is why I comment on here.
  • slprz
    slprz Posts: 9
    I haven't started the challenge yet but should be on Thursday (whenever it arrives). I think there are some serious misconceptions about the program. No where does it say to only eat 1100-1200 calories. I've not been told to exercise in the first 10 days. I'll be exercising 5 days a week, weights and some cardio, as a matter of fact. I will be working to maintain the calories I currently eat because I'm basically already eating as the plan says. Hopefully your Advocare distributor tells you to eat. Eat when you're hungry but make intelligent choices...ya know, don't go to some fast food joint. I'm sure there are people out there that will say anything to get you to buy product but that's the case with anything. I have succesfully lost over 30 lbs by myself without expensive products but with diet and exercise but I've hit a plateau. I've switched my diet up a few times and played with my macros but the weight/inches won't budge. I'm doing this with great hopes that it does. I know our organs are perfectly capable of cleaning us out but sometimes I think we've overloaded on chemicals and your body just needs a little help, a reset if you will. I'm excited about doing this. Nothing will change in my life besides adding this so I'd say I will be a pretty good indication of how well it least for me, I suppose since every body is different but I've been following about the same food plan and have been working out regularly for some time now so...we'll see. I'm excited and nervous and very hopeful this is what my body needs to get back on the fat losing track. I'm ready for the muscle I've been working so hard on to make an appearance!
  • slprz
    slprz Posts: 9
    I've not been told to NOT exercise, that is.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I haven't started the challenge yet but should be on Thursday (whenever it arrives). I think there are some serious misconceptions about the program. No where does it say to only eat 1100-1200 calories. I've not been told to exercise in the first 10 days. I'll be exercising 5 days a week, weights and some cardio, as a matter of fact. I will be working to maintain the calories I currently eat because I'm basically already eating as the plan says. Hopefully your Advocare distributor tells you to eat. Eat when you're hungry but make intelligent choices...ya know, don't go to some fast food joint. I'm sure there are people out there that will say anything to get you to buy product but that's the case with anything. I have succesfully lost over 30 lbs by myself without expensive products but with diet and exercise but I've hit a plateau. I've switched my diet up a few times and played with my macros but the weight/inches won't budge. I'm doing this with great hopes that it does. I know our organs are perfectly capable of cleaning us out but sometimes I think we've overloaded on chemicals and your body just needs a little help, a reset if you will. I'm excited about doing this. Nothing will change in my life besides adding this so I'd say I will be a pretty good indication of how well it least for me, I suppose since every body is different but I've been following about the same food plan and have been working out regularly for some time now so...we'll see. I'm excited and nervous and very hopeful this is what my body needs to get back on the fat losing track. I'm ready for the muscle I've been working so hard on to make an appearance!

    Can I ask if you are using a food scale and do you exercise? Because if you aren't losing weight and intend to maintain your current calories, how do you expect different results. Because the reality is, if you eat 1600 calorie of food or 1600 calories of advocare products, it is still 1600 calories. I suspect you are plateau'ed because you are either under reporting calories in or over reporting calories out. It's the basic law of thermodynamics.
  • slprz
    slprz Posts: 9
    I haven't started the challenge yet but should be on Thursday (whenever it arrives). I think there are some serious misconceptions about the program. No where does it say to only eat 1100-1200 calories. I've not been told to exercise in the first 10 days. I'll be exercising 5 days a week, weights and some cardio, as a matter of fact. I will be working to maintain the calories I currently eat because I'm basically already eating as the plan says. Hopefully your Advocare distributor tells you to eat. Eat when you're hungry but make intelligent choices...ya know, don't go to some fast food joint. I'm sure there are people out there that will say anything to get you to buy product but that's the case with anything. I have succesfully lost over 30 lbs by myself without expensive products but with diet and exercise but I've hit a plateau. I've switched my diet up a few times and played with my macros but the weight/inches won't budge. I'm doing this with great hopes that it does. I know our organs are perfectly capable of cleaning us out but sometimes I think we've overloaded on chemicals and your body just needs a little help, a reset if you will. I'm excited about doing this. Nothing will change in my life besides adding this so I'd say I will be a pretty good indication of how well it least for me, I suppose since every body is different but I've been following about the same food plan and have been working out regularly for some time now so...we'll see. I'm excited and nervous and very hopeful this is what my body needs to get back on the fat losing track. I'm ready for the muscle I've been working so hard on to make an appearance!

    Can I ask if you are using a food scale and do you exercise? Because if you aren't losing weight and intend to maintain your current calories, how do you expect different results. Because the reality is, if you eat 1600 calorie of food or 1600 calories of advocare products, it is still 1600 calories. I suspect you are plateau'ed because you are either under reporting calories in or over reporting calories out. It's the basic law of thermodynamics.

    I am using a food scale and always have when trying to lose weight. I also excercise 3-4 times a week doing weight training and cardio. I won't be eating "1600 calories of Advocare" because the only real calories I'll be consuming from it is a meal replacement shake which I welcome because first thing in the morning all I want to do is make coffee so it'll be a nice break. I report very accurately. I'm quite familiar with how this works. I have lost 32lbs already, on my own, doing it the HEALTHY way, i.e., not starving myself. I'm not lost on nutrition. I know quite a bit. I eat clean. I cook everything I make aside from the protein shake I take. I don't eat out. I exercise regularly. Yup. I just have 14 lbs to go and I guess it's my "last 10 lbs" that everyone talks about is hard to get rid of. I'm hoping this will push me over that hump. I'll report back when I've completed it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I haven't started the challenge yet but should be on Thursday (whenever it arrives). I think there are some serious misconceptions about the program. No where does it say to only eat 1100-1200 calories. I've not been told to exercise in the first 10 days. I'll be exercising 5 days a week, weights and some cardio, as a matter of fact. I will be working to maintain the calories I currently eat because I'm basically already eating as the plan says. Hopefully your Advocare distributor tells you to eat. Eat when you're hungry but make intelligent choices...ya know, don't go to some fast food joint. I'm sure there are people out there that will say anything to get you to buy product but that's the case with anything. I have succesfully lost over 30 lbs by myself without expensive products but with diet and exercise but I've hit a plateau. I've switched my diet up a few times and played with my macros but the weight/inches won't budge. I'm doing this with great hopes that it does. I know our organs are perfectly capable of cleaning us out but sometimes I think we've overloaded on chemicals and your body just needs a little help, a reset if you will. I'm excited about doing this. Nothing will change in my life besides adding this so I'd say I will be a pretty good indication of how well it least for me, I suppose since every body is different but I've been following about the same food plan and have been working out regularly for some time now so...we'll see. I'm excited and nervous and very hopeful this is what my body needs to get back on the fat losing track. I'm ready for the muscle I've been working so hard on to make an appearance!

    Can I ask if you are using a food scale and do you exercise? Because if you aren't losing weight and intend to maintain your current calories, how do you expect different results. Because the reality is, if you eat 1600 calorie of food or 1600 calories of advocare products, it is still 1600 calories. I suspect you are plateau'ed because you are either under reporting calories in or over reporting calories out. It's the basic law of thermodynamics.

    I am using a food scale and always have when trying to lose weight. I also excercise 3-4 times a week doing weight training and cardio. I won't be eating "1600 calories of Advocare" because the only real calories I'll be consuming from it is a meal replacement shake which I welcome because first thing in the morning all I want to do is make coffee so it'll be a nice break. I report very accurately. I'm quite familiar with how this works. I have lost 32lbs already, on my own, doing it the HEALTHY way, i.e., not starving myself. I'm not lost on nutrition. I know quite a bit. I eat clean. I cook everything I make aside from the protein shake I take. I don't eat out. I exercise regularly. Yup. I just have 14 lbs to go and I guess it's my "last 10 lbs" that everyone talks about is hard to get rid of. I'm hoping this will push me over that hump. I'll report back when I've completed it.

    So how many calories will you be eating if you arent going to maintain your current calories as you mentioned above?