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Advocare 24 day Challenge



  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I lost 48 lbs by eating less and moving more and didnt waste a dime on a product like Adocare.

    Yay ME for being such a special little snowflake! :drinker:

  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I have a question:
    I am starting the challenge on Wednesday & need help finding out what I am suppose to eat & what I am not suppose to eat. My lady stopped selling the products a week after selling them to me. Can someone help me on the eating part please?!

    I am currently on day 21 of the challenge and am a Distributor. Feel free to add me and message me with any questions.

    OP - as with everything, what works for one person may not work for others. Is eating exactly like you are supposed to on the challenge sustainable for the rest of your life? No, probably not. But if you go into the challenge knowing that and use it more as a tool to create healthy habits, you should continue to lose weight long after the challenge is over whether you continue to use other supplements or not.

    First and foremost the challenge is marketed as a jumpstart to weight loss or to break through plateaus. It isn't meant to be continued for the rest of your life. That is one of the best things about the challenge. It isn't just some fad diet or meal shake that doesn't teach you how to eat properly. The Daily Guide as well as your Distributor/Coach should help you learn how to eat more healthfully. Note, I also realize some people can do this on their own.

    I, personally, am using it to help me think about food differently. Some people can do this without supplements or a company such as Advocare. Others need more structure and a "challenge" to trick their minds. I have seen a huge increase in my energy, I have been less grumpy, and my willpower to avoid foods that I "shouldn't" (note I'm not saying CAN'T) have has skyrocketed.
  • I tried the 24 day challenge. A close friend of mine joined as a distributor and kept bugging me about doing this. I went to one of her wine and cheese meat and greets and heard about the program and met a few of her fellow distributors. My honest first impression was that this is a cult. All the girls and guys that were there that I knew were in Advocare were so cheesy nice that it felt fake. I was shocked at how expensive their products were. I can see now why people join as a distributor. They get a discount on the inflated prices. I went away from that evening with an uneasy feeling and honestly felt bad for my friend. She'd recently lost a pet she was really close to and I felt she was looking for some kind of new direction for her life. I thought about it and after weeks of her pestering me I spend the money and started on my 24 day challenge. I honestly went into this with a positive outlook and was hoping it would be all my friend said it would be. The Spark drinks aren't too bad kind of like the flavored metamucil. I did get a little buzz after drinking 2 8 oz glasses. But I crashed about 4 hours later and felt like ****, that's when I'd drink another 8 oz glass of Spark. The supplements were freaking horse pills and there are so many of them but I took them on schedule. The first week is the cleanse, I didn't lose a pound or any inches and that herbal cleanse gave me the runs and gastric issues so bad! That stuff tastes nasty. I tried mixing it with my spark and just downing it in two gulps but it made me want to throw up, That was the worst of the 3 weeks. The next 2 weeks are the rebuild and I lost 5 lbs. I'd eat an egg for breakfast, do the shake for lunch, take my Max3 supplement horse pills and exercise 40 minutes every day. After the 24 day challenge I didn't feel like I had any extra energy or feel like a new me. I think I would have gotten the same results by watching what I ate, like I did, and exercise, like I did. I honestly don't believe the challenge supplements did anything for me. I can buy protein shakes at Costco, or Sam's a lot cheaper and my daily multi-vitamin feels all my daily requirements. I honestly gave Advocare a fair chance and all I can say is I believe anyone looking into this, be careful, It's a pyramid scheme and I also think it's a cult. My friend has shunned me because I failed on the 24 day challenge and told her exactly what I thought and my concerns for her. I still call, just to stay in touch and hope one day she'll come to her senses.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I tried the 24 day challenge. A close friend of mine joined as a distributor and kept bugging me about doing this. I went to one of her wine and cheese meat and greets and heard about the program and met a few of her fellow distributors. My honest first impression was that this is a cult. All the girls and guys that were there that I knew were in Advocare were so cheesy nice that it felt fake. I was shocked at how expensive their products were. I can see now why people join as a distributor. They get a discount on the inflated prices. I went away from that evening with an uneasy feeling and honestly felt bad for my friend. She'd recently lost a pet she was really close to and I felt she was looking for some kind of new direction for her life. I thought about it and after weeks of her pestering me I spend the money and started on my 24 day challenge. I honestly went into this with a positive outlook and was hoping it would be all my friend said it would be. The Spark drinks aren't too bad kind of like the flavored metamucil. I did get a little buzz after drinking 2 8 oz glasses. But I crashed about 4 hours later and felt like ****, that's when I'd drink another 8 oz glass of Spark. The supplements were freaking horse pills and there are so many of them but I took them on schedule. The first week is the cleanse, I didn't lose a pound or any inches and that herbal cleanse gave me the runs and gastric issues so bad! That stuff tastes nasty. I tried mixing it with my spark and just downing it in two gulps but it made me want to throw up, That was the worst of the 3 weeks. The next 2 weeks are the rebuild and I lost 5 lbs. I'd eat an egg for breakfast, do the shake for lunch, take my Max3 supplement horse pills and exercise 40 minutes every day. After the 24 day challenge I didn't feel like I had any extra energy or feel like a new me. I think I would have gotten the same results by watching what I ate, like I did, and exercise, like I did. I honestly don't believe the challenge supplements did anything for me. I can buy protein shakes at Costco, or Sam's a lot cheaper and my daily multi-vitamin feels all my daily requirements. I honestly gave Advocare a fair chance and all I can say is I believe anyone looking into this, be careful, It's a pyramid scheme and I also think it's a cult. My friend has shunned me because I failed on the 24 day challenge and told her exactly what I thought and my concerns for her. I still call, just to stay in touch and hope one day she'll come to her senses.

    Sorry you had that experience. I agree it can get a bit cultish. Never heard Spark compared to Metamucil. That's kind of funny.
  • stefanieraya
    stefanieraya Posts: 110 Member
    Sorry for bardging in, since I dont post much.
    I did Advocare, was a distributor for over a year, and actually still am. I took all products, ate better, etc. I would loose on the cleanse and then put back on + a few after. After a year of doing the cleanse every 3-4 months and taking the MNS I was up about 10 lbs over the previous year, but loved how the products made me feel! I love the Spark... but found it was making me very angry. I had a very short tollerance when it came to my kids and was ALWAYS on edge! Anyone have any advice on how I can continue Spark (as I have a LOT of it) and not have the constant angry, short temper feelings?

    I'm sorry to hear about your anger issues. I have that problem too. Patience is a virtue. I have two young boys also. Help me understand why you are still on the Spark if you are having these issues? Sounds like you think they are related?
  • Just started the challenge today. I am hoping for good results but I admit I am somewhat skeptical. It is very expensive and I do hope that it works the way it is supposed to. I also know going into it that there are certain foods which I won't give up. I do exercise and do eat somewhat healthy but my weight is at its highest now. I have to do something to take my body back and get my health back. This is no way to live. But I have tried everything in the past, from Weight Watchers to a total liquid diet to everything in between.

    I am hoping this will live up to the hype and I'm not just being suckered in for someone else to make money. I'm not saying that's the case, but I do wonder if this will be what gets me to the point I need to be or will I end up regretting it? Only time will tell. So far, I'm not having any issues but I'm trying to give it all my effort. The only thing left I have not tried is gastric bypass surgery, and I refuse to ever go that route.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I lost 48 lbs by eating less and moving more and didnt waste a dime on a product like Adocare.

    Yay ME for being such a special little snowflake! :drinker:



    I have friends that swear by the positive results of Advocare. Then again, they are also distributors. I tried Spark and a couple of other things that were given to me as samples. I didn't see what the big deal was.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Just started the challenge today. I am hoping for good results but I admit I am somewhat skeptical. It is very expensive and I do hope that it works the way it is supposed to. I also know going into it that there are certain foods which I won't give up. I do exercise and do eat somewhat healthy but my weight is at its highest now. I have to do something to take my body back and get my health back. This is no way to live. But I have tried everything in the past, from Weight Watchers to a total liquid diet to everything in between.

    I am hoping this will live up to the hype and I'm not just being suckered in for someone else to make money. I'm not saying that's the case, but I do wonder if this will be what gets me to the point I need to be or will I end up regretting it? Only time will tell. So far, I'm not having any issues but I'm trying to give it all my effort. The only thing left I have not tried is gastric bypass surgery, and I refuse to ever go that route.

    I hate to say it, but if you are already admitting that there are certain foods you won't give up, then you are saying you are not going to follow the meal plan. Odds are it will not work. Somewhat healthy is not going to get you the results you want. Being as you did not buy it from me i have nothing to gain or lose by your success. So with that said, you paid the money for the program, why not follow it exactly as it is laid out and see where it gets you. Only then can you truly judge if the program worked. I'd hate for you say it didn't work if you didn't really try the program.
  • I am on day 19 of the 24DC and love it. It really holds you accountable for your weight loss/success. I am a part of a large Facebook group that offers support, encouragement, and friendly recipes! The 24DC is a lifestyle change which definitely requires a network of supporters! By day 10, I lost quite a bit of lbs and inches. If anyone wants to join our group and start the challenge with other supporters in Feb 2014, please send me a message! Would love to help anyone achieve their weight/fitness goals!!
  • mecaseyrn
    mecaseyrn Posts: 76 Member
    I did Advocare. The first 10 days is a cleanse, basically an elimination diet with clean foods, nothing processed at all, and supplements. I had a lot of success with the first 10 days, however on day 11 you start to take a LOT of supplements. Basically, these are fish oil, Niacin and b12 pills with some other stuff mixed in. IMHO you can just buy those. The supplements in the 11-24 day section are so numerous and just overwhelming. I got violently ill from them.

    Day 11: Woke up feeling great, drank my spark (which is a really awesome part of Advocare and I will probably keep taking it), took the packet of pills. 30 minutes later, facial flushing, heart palpitations, terrible nausea, abdominal cramping and was in the bathroom. I didn't eat the rest of the day because the nausea was terrible. Plus I was then overwhelmed with fatigue.

    Day 12: Thinking that day 11 was a fluke and I had the flu, I decided to try again. Same symptoms but even worse. Almost had to go to the ER.

    Day 13: No more supplements. Waste of Money.

    Heres the thing: No one from Advocare will say that these are known side effects, they all play dumb. I was on every website and did find some reported cases of similar issues. I am in the medical field and realized after looking at the ingredients that it contains 6x the amount of Niacin we would give someone for cholesterol control. On top of this, the fish oil pills were closing in on the max dose for a day. I reached out to Advocare and was told I was pretty much an anomaly.

    If you want to try this challenge I recommend just doing the 10 day cleanse. Don't waste your money on their MNS packets in the 11-24 days. Go buy yourself a good fish oil vitamin, MVI, super b complex and if you want some Niacin. I would however, recommend the spark for an energy supplement.

    I think you are better off with just MFP and keeping yourself accountable. Go to the gym, work out and eat clean. It's basically all Advocare is teaching.

    Good luck!
  • mecaseyrn
    mecaseyrn Posts: 76 Member
    It is more than likely the Niacin in the Spark. If you want something similar try taking a super b complex in the AM. It is almost exactly the same as the Spark drink
  • I'm on day 14 of the Advocare 24 day challenge. I have not lost one pound. Not one. So frustrated. I've given up sugar, gluten, alcohol, and dairy. I work out every single day and drink so much water I can barely leave the house for having to use the bathroom. I've really never eaten that badly but have slowing put on 20lbs that absolutely have to come off. I'm 5'3" at 150lbs. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I finished my challenge on Friday. My weigh in Saturday morning told me I was down 5.6lbs and that I had lost 5.25 inches. That doesn't sound like a lot. And perhaps for some people it isn't. I was so discouraged and thought I should have lost more. I'm only 5'1" so that will show differently on my frame than on others. I encourage you, if you haven't already, to take progress photos. I thought that measuring inches would tell me the whole story, since I know the scale doesn't tell a whole lot, but even that doesn't say it all.


    Edited to post a smaller sized photo.
  • I'm on day 14 of the Advocare 24 day challenge. I have not lost one pound. Not one. So frustrated. I've given up sugar, gluten, alcohol, and dairy. I work out every single day and drink so much water I can barely leave the house for having to use the bathroom. I've really never eaten that badly but have slowing put on 20lbs that absolutely have to come off. I'm 5'3" at 150lbs. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Did measure yourself? you lose inches before weight? if you are working out you could be gaining muscles.... how often are you eating? What time are you weighting youself?
  • I did Advocare. The first 10 days is a cleanse, basically an elimination diet with clean foods, nothing processed at all, and supplements. I had a lot of success with the first 10 days, however on day 11 you start to take a LOT of supplements. Basically, these are fish oil, Niacin and b12 pills with some other stuff mixed in. IMHO you can just buy those. The supplements in the 11-24 day section are so numerous and just overwhelming. I got violently ill from them.

    Day 11: Woke up feeling great, drank my spark (which is a really awesome part of Advocare and I will probably keep taking it), took the packet of pills. 30 minutes later, facial flushing, heart palpitations, terrible nausea, abdominal cramping and was in the bathroom. I didn't eat the rest of the day because the nausea was terrible. Plus I was then overwhelmed with fatigue.

    Day 12: Thinking that day 11 was a fluke and I had the flu, I decided to try again. Same symptoms but even worse. Almost had to go to the ER.

    Day 13: No more supplements. Waste of Money.

    Heres the thing: No one from Advocare will say that these are known side effects, they all play dumb. I was on every website and did find some reported cases of similar issues. I am in the medical field and realized after looking at the ingredients that it contains 6x the amount of Niacin we would give someone for cholesterol control. On top of this, the fish oil pills were closing in on the max dose for a day. I reached out to Advocare and was told I was pretty much an anomaly.

    If you want to try this challenge I recommend just doing the 10 day cleanse. Don't waste your money on their MNS packets in the 11-24 days. Go buy yourself a good fish oil vitamin, MVI, super b complex and if you want some Niacin. I would however, recommend the spark for an energy supplement.

    I think you are better off with just MFP and keeping yourself accountable. Go to the gym, work out and eat clean. It's basically all Advocare is teaching.

    Good luck!

    DID you get your money back????? Becuase you can get a refund! it is guaranteed! !!!!! did you talk to your distributor because they could have switched up how you took your products!
  • Just started the challenge today. I am hoping for good results but I admit I am somewhat skeptical. It is very expensive and I do hope that it works the way it is supposed to. I also know going into it that there are certain foods which I won't give up. I do exercise and do eat somewhat healthy but my weight is at its highest now. I have to do something to take my body back and get my health back. This is no way to live. But I have tried everything in the past, from Weight Watchers to a total liquid diet to everything in between.

    I am hoping this will live up to the hype and I'm not just being suckered in for someone else to make money. I'm not saying that's the case, but I do wonder if this will be what gets me to the point I need to be or will I end up regretting it? Only time will tell. So far, I'm not having any issues but I'm trying to give it all my effort. The only thing left I have not tried is gastric bypass surgery, and I refuse to ever go that route.

    I hate to say it, but if you are already admitting that there are certain foods you won't give up, then you are saying you are not going to follow the meal plan. Odds are it will not work. Somewhat healthy is not going to get you the results you want. Being as you did not buy it from me i have nothing to gain or lose by your success. So with that said, you paid the money for the program, why not follow it exactly as it is laid out and see where it gets you. Only then can you truly judge if the program worked. I'd hate for you say it didn't work if you didn't really try the program.

    I didnt give up anything.... I do everything in MODERATION. and it is guaranteed!!!! I tried to follow as well as i could the first time... but I still will eat pizza every once in a while and I have lost 48 pounds since august... I am on my second challenge and I sell advocare because I believe in the products!
  • Have you noticed how for every negative comment someone posts a reply trying to mitigate the reasons the reviewer gave for not liking Advocare and their products? Like I said in my post I believe Advocare is a cult. It's my opinion that Advocare members troll sites like these and when they see a negative post they sign up enmasse with their friends and post opposing replies. Also as I said in my other post my friend has been sucked into this scam. Her FB page is nothing but Advocare this and Advocare that. Her Advocare friends post comments touting the benefits and how many lives they've changed. According to a recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=1789253 Supplements and Vitamins, like those pushed by Advocare reps are a waste of time. Why waste $200, use that money for some new clothes, just watch what you eat, move around more and get some exercise. It's common sense.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I did it... for like a week.

    then I ended up selling anything that was unopened on ebay. the only thing I kept was the catalyst supplements.

    don't waste your money. Just eat healthy, eat at a deficit, and exercise. There are no quick fixes short of surgery and starvation.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I lost 48 lbs by eating less and moving more and didnt waste a dime on a product like Adocare.

    Yay ME for being such a special little snowflake!!!!!!!! :drinker:
