Advocare 24 day Challenge



  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    I'm on Day 3 of the 24 day challenge and feel really good so far. Originally I planned to start on New Year's Day but was a little afraid of the fiber drink due to my past experiences with "cleanses". I decided to start on Friday so I had the weekend at home just in case! :) I will admit I've felt really bloated by the end of the day the past 2 days but, I also know this is pretty common when you start bulking up on fiber, veggies etc until your body adjusts.

    The mocha chocolate meal replacement shake tastes great but doesn't have enough protein in it. I haven't been tested for diabetes in a couple years but I know I'm prone to it and found that I really need to eat eggs for breakfast. Not sure if I'll even use the package of shakes that came with the challenge.

    I don't think trying something new makes anyone a sucker but, everyone has a right to their opinion. It sounds a bit judgmental tho. What works for you may not work for everyone else. I've seen people lose weight and get healthier with this challenge and isn't that the goal?

    For me, I've been in a funk since 8/29/12 when our house flooded. I've had an extremely hard time getting myself motivated even tho I "know" all the things I need to do and should be doing. Having spent the money (and it's not cheap) I"m hoping that helps keep me motivated enough to stick it out for the full challenge. I was looking for some type of jump-start and hopefully this works for me. So far, so good.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Did the 24 day challenge, followed everything exactly but some how had one fiber pack left. Did loose an inch, didn't loose a lb, in fact put 2 lbs on. Was taking upwards of 21 pills a day, between the "max packs" catalyst, and fish oil ones, this doesn't include my cholesterol meds, and daily vitamin.

    Spark was good I would recommend it if your a energy drink person its a great switch healthier.

    Shakes were delicious with one problem 23% of my cholesterol for the day is in there. For someone on cholesterol meds this is completely counter productive.

    Here is the part the really upsets me, I work out 7 days a week, 3 personal training workouts a week for lifting, those 3 days I'm at the gym 2x to get my cardio in. I do not eat poorly never have. I have several friends swear by the Advocare stuff, the only think I can think of is these people must eat like CRAP to loose all this weight in 24 days. You can't eat and drink all that stuff they want you to. Plus who can drink fiber mix plus prework out plus a little fruit between 5a-515a prior to going to the gym.

    Conclusion: It works if you'v never worked out, eat like crap and your using it to kick start a work out program. My friends who love the stuff tell me that I fall in the very small group that it doesn't work for. I work out harder than 90% of the people at the gym, and I can't loose weight, so I don't blame advocare... but I won't support the claims either.

    Calories in, calories out. Folks need to accurately log food and exercise, and stay at a reasonable deficit. Take a multivitamin. Stay away from expensive 'miracle' products that state any time limit (24 days, etc.) because they teach you nothing about how to continue to healthfully lose weight long term. But that is part of the multilevel marketing plan. Keep people coming back so they can lose their 8 lbs over and over again.

    MFP is free and it works.:drinker:
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Calories in, calories out. Folks need to accurately log food and exercise, and stay at a reasonable deficit. Take a multivitamin. Stay away from expensive 'miracle' products that state any time limit (24 days, etc.) because they teach you nothing about how to continue to healthfully lose weight long term. But that is part of the multilevel marketing plan. Keep people coming back so they can lose their 8 lbs over and over again.

    MFP is free and it works.:drinker:

    Advocare doesn't guarantee any results (8 lbs) and in fact they do promote healthy eating and exercise. As a matter of fact there's a very structured diet in the 10 day cleanse and the full 24 day challenge. And no, I'm not a distributor and yes, I'm well aware that it's an MLM.

    The point is, it's a guideline to get people started. Whether you continue eating healthy and incorporating some type of exercise after the cleanse and/or challenge is completely up to you. If you don't, chances are you'll go backwards and put the weight back on.

    It's easy to say calories in / calories out if you know what you're doing but I think it's important to distinguish your calories too. I had no idea what a "complex" carb was until this week. I knew "carbs' of course, I've done very restricted and no carb diets before and couldn't have told you the difference until I started this challenge.

    I think the point is missed... it's a 24 day CHALLENGE. A good jump start for those who may need help or like my case, something that keeps me accountable.
  • robertstouring
    I'm midway through day 7 of the 24 day challenge.

    All headaches are gone. No cravings for junk food, and I rarely get hungry throughout the day.

    I'm down 7 pounds so far. Haven't measured inches yet.

    So far, I feel like it's working pretty good, although I'm sure a lot of it has to do with my diet. I've followed the meal plan provided, but have also been tracking all my calories with MFP.

    So far so good. I'll let you guys know how it keeps going.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm midway through day 7 of the 24 day challenge.

    All headaches are gone. No cravings for junk food, and I rarely get hungry throughout the day.

    I'm down 7 pounds so far. Haven't measured inches yet.

    So far, I feel like it's working pretty good, although I'm sure a lot of it has to do with my diet. I've followed the meal plan provided, but have also been tracking all my calories with MFP.

    So far so good. I'll let you guys know how it keeps going.

  • NSN1167
    NSN1167 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on Day 4 but the scale hasn't moved yet???

    On the upside I feel more energized and just overall feel great!

    If I measured right, I've lost an inch in my waist already. I'm starting a workout routine tonight and pray that I start seeing weight drop from the scale!

    I've been tracking everything and sticking to the guidelines!

    I know everyone loses the weight differently but should I be seeing results on the scale or inches first?

    Of course I should be giving it more than 4 days but something's gotta give.
  • nephie77
    So I will begin with my "weight" story.... (Sorry if this is a little long, but details are important)
    I was born a small little girl only weighing 6lbs 5oz. Growing up I was a very chunky kid and was made fun of often. Both of my parents suffer from high cholesterol and blood pressure and have slow metabolisms. I played softball for 4 years in elementary and jr high. My Freshman year in high school, I weighed 165lbs and was 5ft 4in tall. Summer going into my sophomore year, I was misdiagnosed by my doctor and was very sick. I couldn't keep hardly any food at all down. Turns out that I had a bladder infection gone bad! Anyway, I lost a good 23lbs that summer and maintained a high school weight of about 145lbs. I was so worred about gaining the "Freshman 15" in college, but somehow, I managed to keep it off (sticking with my everyday kind of "ok" diet and walking about 2 miles every 3 days). I lost 12lbs my sophomore year in college now weighing apprx. 132-135lbs! I was proud of myself for changing my eating habits and what-not. My senior year in college, I met my boyfriend. I like to call this weight gain my "happy fat"! We went out to eat a lot, and that year being my most stressful year in college, I stopped working out. I am now back to my high school weight of around 140lbs. I am not happy with this. It hasn't got much better now that I'm working my new job full time with an oil company. Haha.
    I have never looked good in a bathing suit because of extra fat/out-of-shape self/cellulite on the back of my thighs, and a slight pooch in my stomach. I've been with my boyfriend for 1-1/2 years now and we want to take a trip to Hawaii, which has already been booked. We both need/would like to lose weight for this trip and be able to keep it off (BTW: he has gained almost 50lbs since we started dating.... makes me feel bad). So.... I decided to do some research on the Advocare 24 Day Challenge! I was a bit skeptical, but I have several close friends who have had success using their products. I have had their shakes before and thought they were pretty good. A little expensive, but it kept me from eating poorly for one meal of the day (haha)
    I started my challenge on Monday. I am on Day 3 (cleanse phase). Day 1 I felt great! Tons of energy and very motivated, however, I was not able to drink the fiber mix. Took a few gulps and chewed my way through them. On Day 2, I got some advice on how to drink the fiber mix (through a straw) and actually drank the whole thing. I gagged on the last sip, but kept it down. I still feel really good and am back on the treadmill power-walking for about 30 minutes and lifting my 3 & 5lb weights as well as stretching and doing squats and so-on-and-so-forth. Excersice about and hour a day I suppose. Eating VERY healthy and sticking to the guidlines. Now I have vowed not to weigh myself again until Day 11 when you are supposed to. I don't want to get discouraged if I don't see the pounds melt off every day (Thats not what it's about). So far I like the products (with the exception of the fiber drink...). Shakes are pretty darn good and Spark is amazing! I gave up sodas a long time ago and drank tea instead. I hate coffee so that caffiene loss wasn't an issue.
    I hope that I can lose weight on Advocare and continue to eat right and exercise after the challenge is over. I am sure that I will continue to order the spark mixes because I feel that a lack of energy to work out was one of my main problems anyway. I wish I could get my boyfriend to try some of this stuff, I think he would like it. But, boys will be boys hah.
    I will keep everyone filled in on my progress, and hopefully it will be worth it.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    But, boys will be boys hah.
    Yeah, we know nothing about losing weight without buying into plans/products/scams/starvation diets!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    But, boys will be boys hah.
    Yeah, we know nothing about losing weight without buying into plans/products/scams/starvation diets!

    Boyz are so stupidz. Don't they know they can spend all this money and starve and then gain all the weight back after they stop?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    But, boys will be boys hah.
    Yeah, we know nothing about losing weight without buying into plans/products/scams/starvation diets!

    Boyz are so stupidz. Don't they know they can spend all this money and starve and then gain all the weight back after they stop?
    lolright! boys are dumb!
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    I am starting the 24-day challenge on Monday. I have never done a program like this before. I peaked at 232 a couple of years ago. I joined MFP, joined a gym, got serious and dropped to 206. 206 has been a plateau though I could not break through and I have mostly wavered between 206-212. I am aiming for 190, I try to remember.

    I have become frustrated and my motivation is lacking. Last week, post-holiday gorge, I weighed 219. I need a little help. I have friends that recommend the challenge highly as a kick-starter. I can't imagine this will hurt me. I think it might help turn me things around.

    I understand calories-in, calories-out. I understand that I could do the right thing on my own - only right now I'm not. I can't imagine there is anything wrong with turning to a program like this to refocus. To me, its no different than using a personal trainer or life coach or for that matter, even MFP as a crutch, for accountability or a for a helping hand.

    It would be one thing if I thought this was a permanent or miracle cure, but I don't. If in 24 days I have had some positive results - any positive results, and I've refocused on some achievable goals then it will have been worth it. If not, well, I truly can't see the harm.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I am starting the 24-day challenge on Monday. I have never done a program like this before. I peaked at 232 a couple of years ago. I joined MFP, joined a gym, got serious and dropped to 206. 206 has been a plateau though I could not break through and I have mostly wavered between 206-212. I am aiming for 190, I try to remember.

    I have become frustrated and my motivation is lacking. Last week, post-holiday gorge, I weighed 219. I need a little help. I have friends that recommend the challenge highly as a kick-starter. I can't imagine this will hurt me. I think it might help turn me things around.

    I understand calories-in, calories-out. I understand that I could do the right thing on my own - only right now I'm not. I can't imagine there is anything wrong with turning to a program like this to refocus. To me, its no different than using a personal trainer or life coach or for that matter, even MFP as a crutch, for accountability or a for a helping hand.

    It would be one thing if I thought this was a permanent or miracle cure, but I don't. If in 24 days I have had some positive results - any positive results, and I've refocused on some achievable goals then it will have been worth it. If not, well, I truly can't see the harm.

    Very well said, but be careful expressing that because If you don't tow the company line here of calories in calories out you get attacked.
  • nephie77
    Let me clarify what I meant.....
    I would like him to try the Spark drink and the Chocolate meal replacement shake. He drinks a lot of soda daily and that has most likely led to some of his weight gain. Trying to get him to try something new is the hard part. "Boys will be boys."
  • nephie77
    But, boys will be boys hah.
    Yeah, we know nothing about losing weight without buying into plans/products/scams/starvation diets!

    Boyz are so stupidz. Don't they know they can spend all this money and starve and then gain all the weight back after they stop?
    lolright! boys are dumb!

    Let me clarify what I meant.....
    I would like him to try the Spark drink and the Chocolate meal replacement shake. He drinks a lot of soda daily and that has most likely led to some of his weight gain. Trying to get him to try something new is the hard part. "Boys will be boys."
  • kmorris123
    kmorris123 Posts: 34 Member
    I started AdvoCare in 2012 and absolutely love it. It's not just a quick diet plan. That's not what a 24 Day Challenge is designed for. It's a nutritional plan designed to supplement a healthy lifestyle. Yes, you can lose weight by watching what you eat, drink, and working out, but are you truly filling the gaps that you aren't getting nutritionally? I feel amazing on products, have lost pounds and inches successfully and don't see my life apart from it now. Products are tested and approved through Informed Choice which handles testing for sports and the Olympics. If you're going to use products to supplement your lifestyle, why wouldn't you go with the best?
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    Say what you will, but facts are facts...I have lost 46 pounds since September and my sister has lost 80 since May on the Advocare (think about that...we have lost a small adult in less than a year!)...we both have gone through a couple of cleanses and a couple of cycles...when we start to get out of control, we cleanse...Could we do it without Advocare? Sure...Advocare is NOT a miracle is a program...the purpose of a program is to give a person stability and guidelines! Obviously some people need that...not all, but some. I have done it all...WW, Overeaters Anonymous, weight loss surgery (would do it again in a heartbeat, but didn't take away all the issues!), Atkins, weightloss pills, all with exercise thrown in and out...this works for ME...not everyone, but definately ME...and guess what? It is not cheap...but neither was the diet pop and processed foods I was the long run, for ME it is worth for everyone out there that will say it is a sham and unhealthy, please know what you are talking about... it has been reviewed by my doctor, my spouse's doctor, a friend's cardiologist and another friend's endocrinologist...they all say go for it! And it DOES work, and it is WORTH it, for ME...and for some please quit hating when you probably have never even researched the program!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Say what you will, but facts are facts...I have lost 46 pounds since September and my sister has lost 80 since May on the Advocare (think about that...we have lost a small adult in less than a year!)...we both have gone through a couple of cleanses and a couple of cycles...when we start to get out of control, we cleanse...Could we do it without Advocare? Sure...Advocare is NOT a miracle is a program...the purpose of a program is to give a person stability and guidelines! Obviously some people need that...not all, but some. I have done it all...WW, Overeaters Anonymous, weight loss surgery (would do it again in a heartbeat, but didn't take away all the issues!), Atkins, weightloss pills, all with exercise thrown in and out...this works for ME...not everyone, but definately ME...and guess what? It is not cheap...but neither was the diet pop and processed foods I was the long run, for ME it is worth for everyone out there that will say it is a sham and unhealthy, please know what you are talking about... it has been reviewed by my doctor, my spouse's doctor, a friend's cardiologist and another friend's endocrinologist...they all say go for it! And it DOES work, and it is WORTH it, for ME...and for some please quit hating when you probably have never even researched the program!

    I wish there was a like button, for this.
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    I lost 48 lbs by eating less and moving more and didnt waste a dime on a product like Adocare.

    Yay ME for being such a special little snowflake!!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • PixiePops911
    I do love the cleansing part of the challenge. But after the 10 days my body rejected the baggies of pills I was required to take. I am married to an Advocare distributer. I do love Grape Spark, the Joint Promotion supplement, and just recently added the Thermoplus to see the effectiveness of it. Every body responds differently to the challenge. I have seen great results from friends, but I personally could only partake in the first 10 days due to a sensitive stomach. Best of luck!