mariposa326 Member


  • I love reading the success stories on here and using them as motivation! Hopefully that will help you, too! :) Glad you decided to come back!
  • Feel free to add me as well! Love leaving comments for my friends, and receiving them as well :) I'm on MFP every day!
  • I had mine out in the open where I could easily stop and weigh myself, too! I ended up moving it out of the way, where I had to stop and actually pull it out, and it's really helped out. I hope Peter locking it up works for you! :-) You can do it! You have control!
  • Amazing!! You are such an inspiration! Great work, you should definitely be proud! :-)
  • With an attitude like that, you definitely will!!! :-) Just keep at it!
  • I think that quite often! But then I look at how many calories I've burned and it makes me feel better :)
  • I don't have a whole day either, but I go out to dinner with my dad once a week, and that meal usually ends up being my cheat meal for the week. If I can find something reasonable to eat on the menu, I'll go for that, but it doesn't always happen. I don't beat myself up over it... it's bound to happen every once in a…
  • I'd love to give you and everyone else on here support! Feel free to add me!! I know how much the comments and cheering helps me out, so I love helping others with it, too :-)
  • I'm starting to lose some from there as well. I've always heard that's one of the first things to go since it's all fatty tissue in that area. My tummy is going very slowly... I wish that part would go faster! lol
  • Wow! So much going on in the past couple of days! Wish I could access the forums from my iphone app! Does anyone have a job where you stand most of the day? I feel I'm having trouble getting my exercise in on days I work. I walked a little over 2 miles yesterday before work, and was exhausted the whole time I was at work.…
  • I think as long as we root each other on, that will definitely help! I know it makes me feel better when I hear people saying congrats and way to go, etc... hopefully you all feel the same way! I had the bloating/water retention problem this past weekend, gained back 3 lbs because of it! Aunt Flo is evil! LOL
  • I've heard that 1-2 pounds a week is average, and anything more than that, it's easier to put the weight back on... not sure if that's totally true or not though. I know I've been happy with that amount every week! p.s. Feel free to add me as a friend!! :)
  • Hey girls! I'm in with you! I want to lose at least 75 lbs altogether... just weighed myself this morning and I'm at the 15 lb mark! :) Today is my first time venturing into the forums... I mostly use the mfp app for my phone. I will try and get in here more often to give my support for all of you!
  • There is also the Hungry Girl 300 Under 300 cookbook by Lisa Lillien... it just came out not too long ago and is full of great ideas! I love this thing!