ayamagali Member


  • My absolute must-have-at-all-times staples are rice, beans, frozen veggie mix, canned tomatoes, potatoes, and onions. From these things, I will never go hungry! And of course, keeping up your spice cabinet will make whatever tasty!
  • Leftover stuffed peppers for me! Not to worry, black eyed peas and radish cakes are coming up later!
  • Must say, I have no issues eating last nights spaghetti for breakfast!
  • I bought some to get started, but now make my own from soy milk. It's pretty simple. Higher protein milks will be thicker than, say, coconut milk. You just heat the milk to 115 F, stir in a couple spoonfuls of yogurt (store bought or homemade). I then put them in jars in the oven with the pilot light overnight (8-12 hrs).…
  • Aztec style ;) I've read an article stating clear liquors tend to result in less hangovers, and they happen to be the least caloric. However, as a little girl who can drink anyone under the table, 1000 cals of tequila is still 1000 cals!
  • I'm a loser! I didn't realize there was another season! I almost fell over when I saw this topic!
  • I don't get hurt by them, but I'll report if they're totally obnoxious and rude and clogging up the rest of what I should hear/read! GTAV can be brutal :s
  • I was raised with computers and games at a very young age (3-4). So yes to Kings Quest and such, Sonic on Sega. Anyone remember Kyrandia? That was awesome! I get hungry for it!
  • I'm under the impression it doesn't. I was totally into GoW, until the part in the 2nd episode with the worm. Finally got past it, but still threw down my controller in a rage and never picked it up for that game again. Oh, except for horde mode, love that.
  • Hey y'all! I'm Aya, nerdy in some things, not at all in others (never watched Starwars :open_mouth: , but avid D&D and Magic player). I'm quite the domesticated mofo, love to cook, into frugality, and also a stripper. Never go anywhere without 2 decks of Magic and a song in my heart. And cheesy jokes/quips. Leisure Suit…
  • That is blasphemy!! Fallout gives me happies! I'd have to say my most blasphemous game dislike is Final Fantasy... get lotsa smack for that! Talking about sequels, couldn't get into Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. Something was just "off."
  • Never mind the vitriol, if it's better for your head, do it! You may get arguments against it (how do you know animals feel? They'll still be killed!), but I feel bodily healthy, and psychologically healthy. Whatever is pro animal consumption, I don't want to be a reason why they suffer and die. Success!
  • Haha, I totally do that! I'll even put salad on my baked potato, and THEN soup on that!
  • I find grating veggies on a micro plane is good for sneaking in veggies. I'll keep some prepared in the fridge to throw into whatever I'm cooking and hubby enjoys (he's not super-picky, but has problem veggies). Any who, eat the veggies you do enjoy, and expirement with ones you don't particularly. Shaved and roasted…
  • Huh, haven't noticed unusual activity there, but since they are high fiber, you might need more water to help them through!
  • Yes to rinsing the crap out of it under hot water, then dry frying it. I've only used them shirataki style in ramen and stir-fries, and enjoyed them very much! I would like to try it in western dishes, though.
  • I haven't weighed since a year and a half ago at the docs, but I go by clothing fit. When my pants start getting tight, I know to tighten up my eating.
  • Veggie grill! They're entirely plant-based, and have foods ranging from salads, to burgers, and even a chicken and mashed taters/gravy plate! I think it's great for anyone transitioning, or expiramenting with plant-based meals!
  • A coworker of mine swears by kratum (sp?) for pain. It's a powder that she mixes in water.
  • How about roasted veggies? It's my favorite way to cook them and they taste like savory candy!
  • I like Dave's killer bread. They come in a variety of flavors and calories, but I like the ingredient list even with the more calorie dense ones.
  • Mmm, I like it cooked with apples!
  • The nice thing about it is that you can start from very little strengh. Might be a little dry as you start building up strength, but it definitely builds it! I'd been doing it for several months and decided to try a pull-up at a playground on a whim. I could crank em out like nothing! Felt amazing :) And beyond strength,…
  • Bah, that's disgusting! And cancer or no, I think a magazine targeted at women is lame for labeling women's fitness fashion choices as "lame". And how did they decide on using their picture? It looks like two strong women doing something amazing and smiling and enjoying themselves. Yeah, friggin lame-o's!! Blegh, this just…
  • Ha, I just tried the Malibu gardenburger today and had the same experience! But it's my first one of their kind, so I'll give it a couple more rounds before I pass judgement. I like the quorn vegan burgers, they have a nice toothsome texture. And it's been quite a while, but I remember Morningstar had good products that…
  • I, too, adore running outdoors! Since I'm coming back to it, I started small, with short run intervals and longer walk intervals, extending the run time and decreasing the walk time each week. I've noticed a VAST improvement in my lungs around week 3 or 4! Occasionally, I'll find my breathing getting to danger level and…
  • Everything tastes better when you throw em on a girl :devil: Edit: asparagus soup is delightful, and a good way to make use of the woody ends!
  • Go to a different area, then? I don't like treadmill running either. Running outdoors I find quite stimulating, though. Always something different to see, smell, feel, hear. And I feel so much more accomplished when I can say I ran here, to here, to there, and back!
  • It's kombucha, which is a fermented tea! So s'all good. I've heard of people feeling "buzzy", but haven't experienced it myself. Lucky! :p