

  • I would have been more than slightly annoyed. I'm just starting out but I swear if my family doesn't say anything after I lose that much weight, I'd be pretty angry too. But, here's to you getting back on track! Don't forget, we'll notice you've lost the weight and we're happy for you! :)
  • You know, I actually clicked on that advertisement today too. I wanted to know how on earth bananas were bad, mostly because I've been eating them as part of my breakfast all week. lol. A lot of what she was saying, I had heard before, so I wasn't really shocked... or willing to shell out $47 for something I already knew.…
  • As far as food goes, I have started making improvements. Breakfast, I am surrounded by greasy food, such as sausage and carb loaded things such as pancakes because of where I work. So, I started bringing in my own breakfast today! Yogurt, a cup of cereal, and a fresh fruit. OMG, I was actually in heaven this morning. I was…
  • Nice to meet you! I too used to suffer in silence and try to lose the weight on my own. I just started MFP this week and I'm ready to get some support in order to make sure I stay on track. Feel free to add me! :)