meerkatable Member


  • I'm not die-hard yet, but I just started making my own, too! Personally, I've been going the frozen fruit route because it's easier on my wallet and it doesn't go to waste as quickly. This has made it a little difficult to find recipes I can actually use without needing to go out and buy a bunch of new ingredients, but…
  • Yeah, I figured. I ended up putting it in MFP as minutes of jogging in place, for however many minutes in the program there was jogging in place. Maybe not accurate, but I'd rather underestimate than overestimate. :D
  • If you're in the DC area, I can give a really good rec for a gyno. If you're nervous (like while getting a pelvic exam) the muscles can contract and make the exam more difficult. Next time, maybe it would help to tell the doctor to go slow and sort of narrate everything he/she's doing so you know what's coming next? That's…
  • When you changed your profile from sedentary, it gave you even more calories, right? And for the question about oils/dressings, I generally eat food that's pre-packaged or from a recipe with calories on it. Sometimes I break down food that doesn't have a set calorie and enter it as individual ingredients, but that's not…
  • I weigh myself every morning, after using the bathroom, before eating or drinking, nekkid (to avoid recording fluctuations in pajama choices, etc). I do it every morning because if I didn't, I know I would give myself too many cheat days, which would add up, which is why I needed to lose weight in the first place. But…
  • Not to mention, sometimes (depending on whether you're also keeping up with exercise and how many calories you're restricting and whether you're making sure to eat enough protein) losing a lot of weight really quickly isn't losing fat, it's losing muscle. So this is good! This is probably actual fat you're losing! In a lot…
  • SW: 164 CW: 145 GW: 135 (Used to be 145, then I got here and wanted to lose a little more.) 36 - 30.5 - 43 I might have a smaller hip size because I have those pockets of fat at the top of my thighs that I think are technically not my hips in terms of where you measure, but when I wear jeans, those are what end of being…