

  • I understand the want to get back into the gym, but your tattoo should be properly cared for as well. I would wait to go until the time period has pasted allowing you to submerge it in water. After all you did spend a pretty penny on it and don't want to ruin it....
  • I try to hold off on my cravings, my old instructor once told me try brushing your teeth or drink a tall glass of water at once, brushing your teeth makes your mouth feel all minty and the craving will usually disappear for awhile, drinking a tall glass of water will give you a full filling. But don't hold off on your…
  • I use K-cups. And I'm not looking to give up my coffee, being the only other thing I drink everyday besides water... I have started to try and lesson the amount of sugar, probably will take awhile for me to get use to it. And it's not the calories I'm worried about it's the actual sugar content I need to bring down. I was…
  • You will notice that your calorie intake allowed will go up with the amount of calories you burn. For instance if you workout and burn 200 calories your allotted intake is now 1400, but if you skip a day of working out your allotted intake stays at 1200.
  • Have you tried going to a spa and having a body wrap done? The body wraps will tighten your skin and at the same time push a few pounds of water weight off your body. Some people recommend doing this for every 10-20 pounds you lose. It's something you can try before considering surgery.…