

  • Good luck Paula! I've already noticed what a great help this site as been for me!! I hope it will be the same for you! Keep your head up!
    in Hello! Comment by MeghanJean April 2011
  • I also lack the whole self confidence thing as well, when I was younger I used to be super chubby and never really did anything with myself, when I got into my teen years I slimmed down alot but still had the mind set that I was fat, then I had my son soon after I got out of highschool and it all went downhill from there,…
  • I couldnt agree with you more! Ive been half trying to get my butt in gear but its gets hard when you have a demanding job and are a single mom, I get tired very easily and sometimes just look for the easy way out either being food or a quick not difficult workout if you could call it that most days lol Now with summer…
  • This is my first time using something like that, I was at work yesterday and a girl I work with was doing something like this and it caught my eye, I seem to always be working my butt off to try and get some weight off and it just never seems to go anywhere, its frustrating so maybe with a little more motivation and…