Livey1224 Member


  • hey girl, i'm with you, we can help each other. :smile:
  • i joined just today in the hope that I can loose the weight which has crept up on me over the last 12 months. I'll add you as a friend and we can keep in touch, if you wish, too see how things are going?
    in Hello! Comment by Livey1224 April 2011
  • Maybe I worded that wrong. I don want to loose weight at a steady pace of 1-2lbs a week but I've been trying now for over six months and nothing is shifting except my clothes getting tighter and me feeling very uncomfortable!! :grumble:
  • I've tried all sorts. I do a lot or jogging/running about 3 miles three times a week. I have joined a military fitness tream which is twice a week of heavy cardio work and I also work on the Wii fit doing exercises for about 1 hour a day. I eat chicken, veg a little rice and pasta, don;t eat bread and not much fruit :( I…
    in Hi there Comment by Livey1224 April 2011