I have a friend who did Medifast, lost an amazing amount of weight, and has kept it off. It worked for her because it was structured and easier than having to worry about what to eat. She also took up kickboxing and still does it. It is not something I would recommend to most people since I prefer to focus on making…
It's actually not impossible. I didn't believe it when I first heard about it either. I'm trying to access actual peer reviewed medical data, but having a hard time doing anything from my tablet. I don't pay attention to anything but peer reviewed research and don't like journalistic magazine articles. I'll post the info…
The China Study had not been debunked. There are people that have attempted to debunk it with wrong information. All of his work was peer reviewed and if you actually take the time to read all of the information and peer reviews of his individual research instead of just listening to whatever any person says, you can't…
I have learned this in several sports nutrition classes but do not have the textbooks to quote from. I do have a book written by Brendan Brazier, a former professional Ironman triathlete, called Thrive. That information is purely anecdotal, but it's an illustration of what I had already learned. He talks about how when he…
It's not always about calories in vs. calories out. People can gain weight from not eating enough. This is usually only the case with hard-training athletes, but not always. In these cases, cutting back on calories and increasing exercise will make you gain more fat. Increasing calories can help you lose.
Every personal trainer I've had had had me do 10 minutes of light cardio as a warmup. Then I'd do the strength training and hit the cardio hard afterwards. Both cardio and strength are equally important. You can also alternate cardio and strength training days. Just make sure to do the light cardio warmup. It won't tire…
Some weight loss stagnation isn't because you're eating too much, but because your body needs more nutrients. Not getting enough nutrients can cause a stress response in your body. That stress response raises cortisol in your body. The cortisol causes your body to hold onto fat and eventually break down muscle tissue.…
I had a friend that had steadily been losing weight and then plateaued. She was doing everything right and worked out a lot, but had hit a point where she needed more protein. Adding a protein supplement did the trick and she started losing again.
Exercise does help some but only so much. I had a lot of loose skin after losing 70 pounds and thought I'd never get rid of it. But I was introduced by my niece to the body wraps I now use and sell. I gained some weight back but am losing it quickly. I could use the wraps now to prevent the loose skin, but I want to be…
The way the original post was worded may seem off putting to some people, but it is scientifically shown that a whole food plant based diet is the healthiest way to eat. To see that information, read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD which is the largest sixty on nutrition and health ever done. If you don't want to…
The FDA guidelines are somewhat arbitrary and not completely scientifically based. You don't need to worry too much about how much you're getting of what as long as you're eating a well-rounded, whole food plant based diet. You'll get everything you need. Make sure to eat a variety of colors in fruits and vegetables, whole…
People don't need nearly as much protein as they think. You really only need 5 to 6 percent of your calories to contain protein. The FDA guidelines are somewhat arbitrary and not completely scientifically based. You don't have to count the amount of protein you get as long as you're eating a well-rounded, whole food diet.…